Uploaded: September 07, 2007 05:47:03
Dominick M. Dimacale September 07, 2007
Great image and right on for the MT...Dominick #732620Cheryl E. Davis September 07, 2007
member since: 1/11/2007 NEAT MT Entry, Cheryl!!!
Terrific comp, blur and bold color!
9/7/2007 5:48:56 AM
Cheryl E. Davis September 07, 2007
Thank you, Dominick and Jennifer! #4759463Charalambos Beslemes September 07, 2007
Very nice, well done #4759627Joy Rector September 07, 2007
graet shot #4759748Amber Kennedy September 07, 2007
coolest soccer shot yet! #4759853Jillian Danielson September 07, 2007
Cheryl, the color is just awesome!! Love the effect too! Great job! #4760299GRETA CLARKE September 07, 2007
Motion before the stop...very cool and great colour really gives it the impact too! #4760668Michelle L. Frick September 07, 2007
Love this! Awesome shot and effects Cheryl! Our soccer season starts tomorrow - I'm ready to take pics of my little soccer star! #4761311Nikki McDonald September 07, 2007
Nice effects and great color, Cheryl. #4761371Dolly L. Davis September 07, 2007
Awesome colors, effects, comp. Nice work, Cheryl! #4762243Susan M. Hembree September 07, 2007
Wow! This is great, Cheryl! Love the colors and effects! #4762385Susan M. Campbell September 09, 2007
Now this is great. The foot is in focus but the ball isn't...nice effect!! #4768735Amber Kennedy September 14, 2007
I love this...great idea and POV! #4790230Su Sana E. P October 24, 2007
Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Cheryl!! #4974405Cheryl E. Davis October 24, 2007
Thank you, SuSana! #4974436John Caruso October 24, 2007
This great photo deserves the finalist it earned! Nicely done! #4974613Michelle L. Frick October 24, 2007
Congratulations Cheryl!! #4974703Susan M. Hembree October 24, 2007
Wonderful, Cheryl! Congrats on your finalist! #4974842Les Rhoades October 24, 2007
So far I see 3 group finalist in the MT. We must be good!Katarina Mansson October 25, 2007
Congrats Cheryl! #4976956Cheryl E. Davis October 25, 2007
Thank you, everyone! I'm so excited! #4978529Daniella Puente October 25, 2007
Perfect finalist and wonderful photo fir the theme, this should be on the next list!!!! :)))) #4979496Carol Teal November 01, 2007
Congrats on your finalist Cheryl! #5017025Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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