Classic Lines
Uploaded: July 14, 2004 14:53:50
F 3.5, 1/500 sec, ISO 100. Classic boat from Norway
Dan Holm July 14, 2004
Terrific graphic shot, Trond! Wonderfully captured, wonderfully composed! #147883Trond Nordland July 16, 2004
Thanks a lot Dan! #650512Guy Boudreau July 19, 2004
Very nice and pure lines Trond! Well done #659190Carolyn J. Connolly August 13, 2004
Wonderful image Trond...definitely very "classic lines" captured here! Great job... #705520Trond Nordland August 15, 2004
Thanks y'all. I just got back from my summer vacation and was deligthed to see this picture made this months finals. It didn't make it to the top though, but given the number of submissions I'm really happy just to get there. #713675Carolyn J. Connolly August 16, 2004
It's always a bit of a 'let-down', arriving home after holidays, isn't it Trond? LOL! Oh long as you had an interesting and relaxing time! Congratulations on making the finals with 'Classic Lines' - very deserved! #715849Diane Dupuis August 19, 2004
Congrats! Great shot! Wish I was there! #722056Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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