The Power Within

© Kenton L. Elliott

The Power Within

Uploaded: May 24, 2004


Resubmitted for the Monthly Theme, a digital fantasy image.


Donna R. Moratelli May 24, 2004

WOOOOoooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!! THis is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #131019

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Wooooowwww!!! That's really nice of you to say!!! Thank you very much, Donna! #557232

Paul Michko May 24, 2004

Great image, Kenton. Excellent composition. #557235

Colette M. Metcalf May 24, 2004

This is great, Kevin!!! #557238

Allan L. Whitehead May 24, 2004

Great abstract, Kenton, this is spectacular. I love all of this and the effects are simply stunning. Exceeding well done, my very good friend - Allan #557241

Colette M. Metcalf May 24, 2004

Kenton!! LOL #557242

Kristen McKain May 24, 2004

cool image, Kenton! #557244

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Paul, Colette, Alan and Kristen. I sincerely appreciate your kind words! Kevin is fine, Colette, I've been called worse!! LOL. Thanks again. #557252

Colleen Braun May 24, 2004

amazing !!!!! #557265

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Colleen. I sure do appreciate your comments. #557275

Kathleen Clemons May 24, 2004

Another Woooooooooooooooowwwwwww! #557282

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Wow! Thank you, Kathleen! I really do appreciate your input! #557289

Karen Bacon May 24, 2004

This is awesome Kenton! #557331

Gianna Stadelmyer May 24, 2004

Well done, Kenton! This is fabulous! #557333

Donna R. Moratelli May 24, 2004

Kenton, I can't take my eyes off of this. It reminds me of a ship coming to shore. #557344

Claudia Kuhn level-classic May 24, 2004

This is way cool Kenton! I only hate to think the hours this took! #557359

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Karen, Jan and Donna.
Most sincerely appreciated.
To be honest, Donna... when I start these types of little projects, I have nothing in mind, and just keep adding bits, removing others, and watching it develop. This original image was a curved handrail that was drab and boring, which started the whole thing.... Thank you again! #557363

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you, Claudia. It really only took about 1-1/2 hours, but was a good learning exercise for PS tools. I appreciate your comments very much. #557368

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 24, 2004

Woooooooooow from me, too!!! Amazing!!! #557408

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

LOL.... thank you, Carolyn! What a nice lady you are! I really appreciate your comments. #557430

Wally Orlowsky May 24, 2004

Fantastic work on this, Kenton! Could you tell us how you did it? #557438

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Wally. The actual step by step would take too much space here, but I'll email you with a clearer explanation. Basically a very plain image of a curved hand rail, changing hue/sat to that, adding gradient and textured background and applying a Flexify and Xenofex 2 filter, plus some hand painting.
I'll include the original drab image just for information.
Thanks again, Wally. I appreciate your comments. #557460

Joy Brown May 24, 2004

OUTSTANDING!!! #557547

Susana Matos May 24, 2004

woooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww from me toooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
I am sure we´ll see this again, I really find this amazing!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #557549

Kelly Abernathy level-classic May 24, 2004

Another wwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww! You're very talented! -K #557583

Deborah Sandidge May 24, 2004

Fantastic, very clever! It's amazing how you took it from start to finish. #557584

Lori Ditlefsen May 24, 2004

Wow Kenton! Very cool image! Very nice work on it! I just love it! Hope to see it again in the finals! #557850

June Marie Sobrito May 24, 2004

Terrific!!! #557900

Leanne M.E. Boyd May 24, 2004

Tres cool image, Kenton - A winning in my eyes at least! #557944

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

I sincerely appreciate the comments from each and every one of you. I truely mean that and Thank You so much, Joy, Susana, K., Deborah, Lori, June Marie and Leanne.
I highly value your opinions!
Thanks again. #558060

Dan Holm May 24, 2004

What more need be said? ... "Wow" pretty much sums it up!
Really great work, Kenton! #558177

Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Dan. I really appreciate your comments. #558188

Susan T. Evans level-classic May 24, 2004


Kenton L. Elliott May 24, 2004

Thank you very much, Susan! I really appreciate your comments. #558455

Dorothy Neumann September 21, 2004

A belated WOW from me, too. I can't believe this wasn't a winner. We're not seeing much of your work recently, Kenton. I miss it! #794619

Kathleen Clemons September 21, 2004

Congrats on your POTD, Kenton. I still say, "Woooooooooooowwwww"!!!! :) #794654

Rob Friedman September 21, 2004

Congrats Kenton on your POTD! This is sooo cool! Awesome work! #794659

Allan L. Whitehead September 21, 2004

Cogratulations on the POTD Kenton, this is richly deserved, my friend - your friend, Allan #794663

Diane Dupuis September 21, 2004

WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW from me too!! Missed this the first time around - glad it got POTD!!! Fantastic work Kenton! Truly inspiring! #794677

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much Dorothy, Kathleen, Rob, Allan and Diane. Wow, I was really surprised when this came up. I really appreciate hearing from you all and hope to be posting more soon.
Best wishes.
Kenton #794991

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe September 21, 2004

Congrats on POTD...fantastic work. A super good job and imagination at work.
kathleen #794992

Isabel L September 21, 2004

CONGRATS!!! Excellent shot!!! #795017

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much for your comments, Kathleen and Isabel. I sincerely appreciate hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Kenton #795036

September 21, 2004

Just like all of your photos, FANTASTIC!! #795045

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much Josselyne. What a nice thing to say! Very much appreciated! #795076

Keith L. Clayton September 21, 2004

This is the kind of work that makes this site worth visiting. Fantastic job! #795095

Donna R. Moratelli September 21, 2004

Well,well,well,well,well, POD huh???
I'm sincerely very happy for you'!!
This picture needed some major reccognition! #795104

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

What nice comments Keith and Donna Rae!
Thanks a million!!!!
Best wishes,
Kenton #795128

Dale Ann Cubbage September 21, 2004

Fabulous piece of work, Kenton! congrats on POTD! #795149

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much for the kind words, Dale Ann. I really to appreciate hearing from you.
I wanted to mention to anyone interested that I have written out the exact step-by-step method I used to create this image using Photoshop. I would paste it here, but it's over a full page long. I would be more than happy to email it should anyone be interested. Just let me know.
Thanks again everyone and best wishes.
Kenton #795168

Casey A. Hanson September 21, 2004

I missed this Kenton, this is outstanding!
Very nice PS work and imagination!
Congrats on POTD, and I'm sure we'll
be seeing this again! #795182

David S. April September 21, 2004

execllent Photoshop work. It takes great imagination to work from your original image and end up with such an interesting fanatasy image. Great eye in seeing the possibilities. Congrats to you on a well deserved POTD. #795236

Damian P. Gadal September 21, 2004

WOW - Great work - Congrats! #795347

Ronald Balthazor September 21, 2004

Very exceptional work, Kenton. I'd be thrilled to receive your step by step explanation. Thanks. #795359

Mary McAllister September 21, 2004 about visual impact-truly stunning. #795430

Theresa McCloskey September 21, 2004

awesome and very very creative - I would be interested in the step by step -- :-) #795839

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much for the comments Casey, David, Damian, Ronald, Mary and Theresa. I most sincerely appreciate hearing from each of you.
Best wishes,
Kenton Elliott #795864

Carol Brill September 21, 2004

So fascinating to see the odyssey that this spectacular image took through your fertile imagination and excellent PS technique, Kenton, congratulations on your POTD and I look forward to seeing this one again! #795898

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much, Carol. I most sincerely appreciate hearing from you.
Best wishes.
Kenton #795917

Kathleen R. Struckle September 21, 2004

Just awesome Kenton!!You are extreamly talanted!! Congrats onPOTD! #795972

September 21, 2004

Great image. Very creative and imaginative. Love it, but is it photography? #795992

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you very much Kathleen and Marda! I really do appreciate your feedback. Good controversial question, Marda! That is the reason they have the categories of Digital Darkroom and Special Effects. Effects created with photographic images. Photography is an art form, and in this case the entire image is merely manipulations of photographic images. Without those original images, this final piece could not exist.
The controvery is probably the 'degree' of manipulation. Is it okay to change contrast and sharpness, but not color? How much 'changing' does it take before it is no longer photography? Combining two pictures in Photoshop.... changing a blue sky to a stormy one... none of the final images are straight from the camera, so are they photography? Where is the line you cross in digital manipulation before it cannot be called photography?
Even the famous and renowned Ansel Adams used darkroom effects, multiple negatives and burning techniques to achieve his final results.
I would very highly recommend a book available through BetterPhoto. That is Jim Zuckerman's Secrets to Great Photographs - "Digital Effects"
Thank you very much for bring up that question, Marda. Controversy is part of the learning process for all of us, and that's why we love BP so much.
Best wishes,
Kenton Elliott #796202

Anita Taylor September 21, 2004

Looks like the WOWS have it, Kenton! This is really incredible and inspires me to try a little harder with the Photoshop :) #796289

Kenton L. Elliott September 21, 2004

Thank you for your kind words, Anita. I sincerely appreciate your comments. #796383

September 21, 2004

This is really outstanding , I love how you done this ...WOW again and agian to a job well done. Keep up the wonderful work. It realy is a great title tooo! Hope to see more of ur wonderful works. #796445

Kenton L. Elliott September 22, 2004

Wow, also, to those very nice comments, Susan. I really do appreciate hearing from you. #797147

Carol H. Rice September 22, 2004

Kenton, You have created an awesome art image from photographs and the digital darkroom. You had to be spiritually inspired and the trickle down system has inspired me to branch out and try new compositions with photographic art. Please send me your step by step directions.

Carol Rice #797311

Kenton L. Elliott September 22, 2004

Hello Carol. Thank you for your comments. I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the result and I'll get that in an email right away....
Best wishes.
Kenton #797329

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 22, 2004

You are a true artist. I would love to learn how to do this also. I do alot of manipulations with color and filters but this is a work of art. Love it Kenton, congratulations!!!!! #798654

Kenton L. Elliott September 22, 2004

Thank you very much for your kind words, Donna. I sincerely appreciate hearing from you. I will email the step by step.
Thanks again. #798660

Susie Peek-Swint October 09, 2004

Incredible work Kenton ~ congrats on POTD! #831887

Susana Matos October 09, 2004

just my opinion... you should resubmitt this in "digital darkroom" cathegorie, I think, because this is a WINNER all over it and can only understand it hasn´t been selected if you chose the wrong cathegorie....??!!
Outstanding work!
Cheers from Portugal, Su #831932

Kenton L. Elliott October 09, 2004

Thank you so much for your comments Susan and Susana. I will definitely consider what you say, Susana and sincerely thank you both for your kind words.
Best wishes.
Kenton #832372

Kenneth Mucke June 26, 2006

wow...this is an amazong piece of work...incredibly creative..very well done #2951066

Arlene Krassner December 23, 2006

Kenton I how did I miss this one. You are a magician. This should have been more than Photo of the Day!

As you can guess, I adore it. #3732975

Kenton L. Elliott December 23, 2006

Thank you very much Kenneth and Arlene. I really appreciate your comments. Arlene.. Photoshop is the magician, we just wave the wand around!!! :-)
Thanks again! #3733503

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 23, 2006

Hi Kenton,

I agree with Arlene, you really should consider resubmitting this creative piece.

Also, I wanted to wish you a great holiday weekend!! #3734296

Kenton L. Elliott December 23, 2006

Thank you very much Donna! Best wishes to you and yours! #3734492

Donna R. Moratelli December 24, 2006

I absolutly love this one! great for the monthly theme!!!!!! #3736440

Kenton L. Elliott December 24, 2006

Hello Donna ! Thanks a million !
Merry Christmas to all at BP! #3737269

Ivan Chacon December 26, 2006

Absolutly Amamazing, beautiful work Kenton congratulations and Happy Holydays! :) #3741040

Kenton L. Elliott December 26, 2006

Hello Ivan. Thank you very much for your comments! Best wishes for the New Year! #3741313

Cheryl E. Molennor December 26, 2006

Kenton. Your work is very creative and interesting. I admire your PS skills #3741780

Kenton L. Elliott December 26, 2006

Thank you very much, Cheryl. I sincerely appreciate your comments. #3742476

Colette M. Metcalf January 24, 2007

Congratulations, Kenton!!! #3862478

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 24, 2007

A huge congratulations on your Finalist win Kenton. Best of luck in the next round!!!!!!!!!!! #3862514

Kenton L. Elliott January 24, 2007

Thank you very much Colette and Donna! #3862559

Remi Trepanier January 24, 2007

Congratulations on your finalist #3862912

Kenton L. Elliott January 24, 2007

Hello Remi.... Thank you very much! #3862971

Donna R. Moratelli January 25, 2007

EXCELLENT!! I LOVE this one! A Big congratulations to you and best of luck in the next round!! #3865582

Kenton L. Elliott January 25, 2007

Hello Donna! Thanks a million! #3868609

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic January 25, 2007

Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round. #3868742

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 25, 2007

Congrats Kenton on your wonderful creation and Finalist! Jeff #3869929

Kenton L. Elliott January 25, 2007

Hello Kay and Jeff. Thank you very much for your comments. #3870189

Arlene Krassner January 25, 2007

Way to go Kenton. I'm so glad this was re-entered. Good luck with the next round. #3870685

Kenton L. Elliott January 25, 2007

Thanks a million Arlene. Great to hear from you and sincerely appreciated. #3871350

Su Sana E. P level-classic January 25, 2007

Kenton, huge Congratulations on this Awesome Winner!! #3871951

Jill Odice level-classic January 25, 2007

Wonderful winner :-) #3871989

Vladan D. Djordjevic January 25, 2007

Congratulations on your Winner!!! #3872218

Vladan D. Djordjevic January 25, 2007

Congratulations on your Winner!!! #3872219

John V. Roscich level-classic January 25, 2007

JOHN #3872271

HuHu Lin January 25, 2007

Wow,congrats to your winnner Kenton!
After several months almost a year since I know you,you finally win this one.You definitely deserve this glory.

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic January 25, 2007

Congratulations on your second place winner. #3872841

Kenton L. Elliott January 25, 2007

Thank you so much SuSana, Jill, Vladan, John, HuHu and Kay. The comments from each of you are truely appreciated. #3872908

Nadya Johnson January 25, 2007

Kenton, "Spectacular" does not begin to cover this incredible, creative piece of art! Both your vision and your work are Beyond Superb! Congratulations on this truly awesome winning image! #3873011

Kenton L. Elliott January 25, 2007

Wow... thank you very much Nadya! I really to appreciate such a nice comment... #3873024

Donna R. Moratelli January 26, 2007

Wow, I happy for you. COngratulations on your win,Kenton! #3873400

Donna R. Moratelli January 26, 2007

Wow, I happy for you. COngratulations on your win,Kenton! #3873401

Paul G Slate January 26, 2007

Congratulations a beautiful winner Kenton!! Great shot!!! I thought this was going to be the winner!! #3873865

Colette M. Metcalf January 26, 2007

Congratulations on your WIN, Kenton!! #3873978

Kenton L. Elliott January 26, 2007

Thanks a million Donna, Paul and Colette. What nice things to say and I really do appreciate your input.... #3874824

Janine Russell level-classic January 26, 2007

Kenton, congratulations on your Second Place Win. #3875438

Kenton L. Elliott January 26, 2007

Hello Janine! Thank you very much!! #3875455

Colleen Farrell February 28, 2007

Hello Kenton, I've enjoyed looking through your gallery after seeing today's POTD. This image is truly superb! Not a suprise that it won a Gold on Betterphoto, and I'm sure it could win many other awards elsewhere! :D #4006723

Kenton L. Elliott February 28, 2007

Hello Colleen. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I truely appreciate them. #4006987

Donna R. Moratelli February 28, 2007

This display of talent has become a classic; Kenton! #4007276

Kenton L. Elliott February 28, 2007

Wow... what a nice thing to say! Thank you, Donna... #4007376

Milan Banik March 01, 2007

superb creation ,congrates friend. #4009658

Kenton L. Elliott March 01, 2007

Thank you very much, Milan. Nice to hear from you.... #4009934

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett March 15, 2007

Super capture, Kenton ... Nice Nice Work!! ... Congrats on boththe PoTD as well as your 2nd Place winner ... steve #4057944

Kenton L. Elliott March 15, 2007

Thank you very much, Steve! #4058291

Patrick R. McMullen September 01, 2007

Very good PS work Kenton! Congratualtions on it!
Pat #4731301

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