The Blue Waves
Uploaded: January 30, 2007 03:43:40
This photo of a group of blue flower was taken using a 18-70mm, at 50mm, f5.6, 1/500.
Swirl filter using photoshop Cs.
Lynne Hoad January 30, 2007
This is lovely Paul! Wonderful colors! Like the swirl effect! #596854Anna Diederich January 30, 2007
Awesome effect here Paul! Worked perfectly with this shot. Very beautiful! #3890186Vladan D. Djordjevic January 30, 2007
Fantastic color and effects! #3890203
Jeff Robinson
January 30, 2007
Alison Krylowski January 30, 2007
Gorgeous effects Paul! The colors are amazing. Great capture! #3891303Margo Bathrick February 07, 2007
Love the color and effect. Great Job! #3922143
Janet McNeil
February 24, 2007
Arlene Krassner February 24, 2007
Evidently I missed this the first time around. It's stunning Paul.Congratulations and good luck in the next round. #3983565
Laurie Daily
February 24, 2007
Jeff Robinson
February 24, 2007
Kay E. Mahoney
February 24, 2007
Datha Y. Thompson February 24, 2007
Gorgeous!! CONGRATULATIONS Paul!!! :0) #3988442Stanley C. Sims February 25, 2007
Outstanding Paul. Congrats !!! #3993477Remi Trepanier February 25, 2007
Beautiful capture! Congratulations! #3993706Sam Britt February 25, 2007
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Paul. #3993747
Tamara K. Walker
February 25, 2007
John V. Roscich
February 26, 2007
Tamera S. Phillips February 26, 2007
Congrats on this wonderful finalist. Wonderful use of effects. #3999241
Sherry Karr Adkins
February 27, 2007
paul parent
February 27, 2007
Yes the filter is from Eye candy.
A Photoshop pluggin.
Robert Baer March 04, 2007
paulKathleen Lynch March 05, 2007
Paul, Love the colors and the texture of this shot. Really great! #4024748
Shelly A. Van Camp
March 07, 2007
Sue L. Cullumber April 10, 2007
Paul - just gorgeous! Love the colors and effects! #4151908Marta J. Baldwin July 26, 2007
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist Paul! #4565521cheryl m. phillips August 13, 2007
This is gorgeous, Paul!Wendy Stevenson August 26, 2007
What a beautiful, soft flowing abstract! Really gorgeous!! #4699823Marta J. Baldwin August 26, 2007
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist Paul! #4699854Lynn Haack August 26, 2007
Paul...your gallery is simply AMAZING! This is a very beautfiul design...lovely color sat, lighting and details. Lynn #4700779ALLEN O. HOWARD August 30, 2007
Beautifully done! #4724650
Lisa J. Boulden
September 30, 2007
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