Galvanzied Snow.

© Ronald Balthazor

Galvanzied Snow.

Uploaded: January 27, 2007 04:05:00


f/9, 1/125s, ISO 100, 105mm Nikkor, tripod.


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 27, 2007

Outstanding work Ronald! I like this one a lot!! Jeff #595134

Ronald Balthazor January 27, 2007

I appreciate the comment, Jeff. #3878808

Daphne Mills January 29, 2007

What a fabulous capture. I love the texture and lines. #3887695

Ronald Balthazor January 29, 2007

Thank you very much, Daphne. #3888245

Ken Jarvis February 24, 2007

Congratulations Ronald on your Finalist! #3982811

Marijana Fajgl February 24, 2007

Warmest congratulations Ronald! #3982841

Melissa G. Meiselman February 24, 2007

Stunnning finalist, Ronald!!! #3984338

Brenda W. LaFleur level-deluxe February 24, 2007

Cool photo, Ron :) Congrats! #3984638

Terry L. Ellis level-classic February 24, 2007

A fantastic finalist! Congratulations, Ronald! #3986499

Datha Y. Thompson February 24, 2007

CONGRATULATIONS Ronald!!! :0) #3988556

February 24, 2007

Fantastic shot! Congrats on the finalist! #3988563

Ronald Balthazor February 25, 2007

Thank you very much for commenting, Ken, Marijana, Melissa, Brenda, Terry, Datha, and Suresh. #3989011

Colette M. Metcalf February 25, 2007

Congrats, Ron!!! #3989224

Donna J. Eaton February 25, 2007

Fantastic shot! Congrats on the finalist Ron!!!


Marianne Fortin February 26, 2007

Beautiful simple lines and so effective. Congrats, Ron! #3996249

Remi Trepanier February 26, 2007

Congratulations on your awesome finalist! #3996636

Ronald Balthazor February 26, 2007

Many thanks, Colette, Donna, Marianne and Remi. #3996678

Rakesh Syal level-classic February 26, 2007

Congrats, Ron!!! #3996962

Cyn Valentine February 26, 2007

Congratulations Ron..great image!! #3996967

Ronald Balthazor February 26, 2007

Thank you kindly, Rakesh and Cyn. #3998166

Arnie Horwitz level-deluxe February 26, 2007

Congratulations on this great finalist, Ronald! #3999313

Ronald Balthazor February 27, 2007

Thanks, Arnie. Good luck in the next round. #3999914

Paula Dwyer March 01, 2007

Congratulations Ronald!!! :) #4011289

Ronald Balthazor March 01, 2007

Many thanks, Paula. #4011646

Raymond Pauly March 01, 2007

Your winners and finalists are so good... don't know on which one to comment! I like your clean and simple style, Ronald! It's the kind of photography I try to do.
Congratulations on your whole gallery! #4012114

Ronald Balthazor March 01, 2007

Thank you for the kind words, Raymond. #4012633

Su Sana E. P level-classic March 28, 2007

Ronald, Congratulations on this wonderful capture of design and POTD Win!! #4104544

Evy Johansen level-classic March 28, 2007

Wonderful image, Ronald! Congratulations on your POTD! #4104550

Donna R. Moratelli March 28, 2007

Awsome, Congratulations on POTD. This is something else! #4104610

Helen N. McHugh March 28, 2007

Congratulations , Ronald , on this outstanding POTD!! #4104674

Joy Rector March 28, 2007

congrats on the POTD #4104755

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett March 28, 2007

Nice lines, Ronald ... congrats on both your Finalist and your POTD awards ... steve #4104787

Ronald Balthazor March 28, 2007

Thank you for the nice comments, SuSana, Evy, Donnarae, Helen, Joy and Hurk. #4105052

Lori Carlson March 28, 2007

Woohoo!!How exciting to see your name attached to my POTD email!! :0) A terrific design Ron!! Congratulations on all your recognition!! :0) #4105173

Lindley Johnson level-classic March 28, 2007

Love the simple graphic design and the sharp details - congratulations on your finalist and POTD, Ronald! #4105279

Terry Cervi level-classic March 28, 2007

Congrats on your very cool POTD, Ronald! #4105328

Terry L. Ellis level-classic March 28, 2007

Congratulations, Ronald, on your awesome POTD! Simplicity at its best! #4105414

Susan M. Hembree March 28, 2007

Great job, Ronald, with this simple expression! Congratulations on the finalist and POTD! #4105553

Casey A. Hanson March 28, 2007

Awesome work, Ron! Congrats! :0) #4105608

Colleen Farrell March 28, 2007

Great image! Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! #4105994

RC Fritz March 28, 2007

Excellent capture, Ronald. Congrats on your Finalist & POTD! #4106279

Allan L. Dy March 28, 2007

Congratulations on your POTD Ronald! #4106677

Mary Clarke March 28, 2007

Congratulations on POTD Ronald, great image #4106884

Datha Y. Thompson March 28, 2007

Congratulations on your POTD Ronald :0) #4106916

Patricia Ronan March 28, 2007

Great image! Congrats on your POTD:)

Ronald Balthazor March 28, 2007

Thank you for all the wonderful comments, Lori, Lindley, Terry C., Terry E., Susan, Casey, Colleen, RC, Allan, Mary, Datha, and Patricia. #4106983

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 28, 2007

Very cool Ronald, great design elements. Congratulations on your double honors! #4106987

Ronald Balthazor March 28, 2007

Thanks, Donna. I'm honored by your comments. #4107174

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 29, 2007

Wonderful image, Ron!! Congratulations on POTD!!
kk #4108512

Ronald Balthazor March 29, 2007

I appreciate the comment, Kathleen. #4108803

Donna J. Eaton March 29, 2007

Woo Hoo! Way to go Ron on your POTD! #4110373

Rakesh Syal level-classic April 10, 2007

Congrats, once again on your outstanding POTD, Ronald!! #4151054

Ronald Balthazor April 10, 2007

Thanks very much, Donna and Rakesh. #4151237

Karen Bacon June 07, 2007

This is fantastic!Congratulations !! #4376756

Ronald Balthazor June 07, 2007

I appreciate your comment, Karen. #4376900

Barbara Waldoch December 31, 2007

Wonderful shot, Ronald! #5273831

Sue Marshall January 06, 2008

Very cool looking Ron simplicity at it's best ~ congrats on all your awards you have an amazing gallery!! :-) #5300518

Ronald Balthazor January 07, 2008

Thank you very much, Barbara and Sue. #5304944

Stephen Zacker January 16, 2008

Like the simplicity. Well seen and composed. #5349003

Ronald Balthazor January 17, 2008

Thanks, Stephen. #5352074

Kay Beausoleil March 05, 2008

Your gallery is a feast for the eyes, Ronald -- I like this image especially for its deceptive simplicity. #5595274

Ronald Balthazor March 05, 2008

Many thanks for the kind words, Kay. #5595340

Rebecca K. Lefferts November 20, 2008

Awesome shot- congrats on the finalist and photo of the day, you sure deserve it! #6779539

Ronald Balthazor November 20, 2008

Thank you for commenting, Rebecca. #6780903

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