Abstract Design
Uploaded: January 23, 2007 00:00:30
One from the archives.
Barbara Waldoch January 23, 2007
Well spotted and shot, Susana, great colours and lines! #592603
Su Sana E. P
January 23, 2007
Ray Clarke January 23, 2007
Stunning abstract shot Susana, love it , great colour and lines #3852895
Evy Johansen
January 23, 2007
Mata Patan January 23, 2007
How did you leave it in the archive till today???Julie Robinson January 23, 2007
A fantastic geometric design Susana! #3852909
Rakesh Syal
January 23, 2007
Dan Holm January 23, 2007
AWESOME abstract, Susan!! Love that rich red and your dramatic perspective! #3852939Paul E. Earl January 23, 2007
Wonderful abstract, Susana! OUTSTANDING image!! #3852961Vladan D. Djordjevic January 23, 2007
Beautiful abstract, Susana!!! I like composition, lines, color, lighting! #3852979Ujjwal Mukherjee January 23, 2007
what I liked the most is the formation of the lines and the stunning clarity. #3853027Paul Michko January 23, 2007
Absolutely magnificent abstract, Sanj...I mean Susan. :) #3853039
Su Sana E. P
January 23, 2007
Dominick M. Dimacale
January 23, 2007
Anna Diederich January 23, 2007
Excellent composition and color Susana!! I love this. #3853082Manuel Barrera January 23, 2007
I am surprised that it was not a winner, maybe the second time around will be the charm #3853169Michael Khoury January 23, 2007
dynamic geometric beauty ! #3853210Aimee S. McMaster January 23, 2007
....this is awesome Susana.....perfect light, clarity and detail....Aimee #3853224Donald K. Cherry January 23, 2007
Terrific graphic abstract, Susana! Reminds me of some of Sanjay's wonderful work from the past! Very well done! #3853229Carol Sawyer January 23, 2007
Wonderful abstract, colors, details and clarity, Susana!! #3853247Glenn E. Urquhart January 23, 2007
Absolutely Stunning Abstract, Susana!!! Well seen, Outstanding color, lines, lighting, well composed and VERY Well Done! Cheers, Glenn. #3853258Karen Engelbreth January 23, 2007
Cool abstract, SuSana! #3853285Jim Huffield January 23, 2007
very beautiful, Susana. Jim #3853372
Gail Vitikacs
January 23, 2007
Kathy Reeves January 23, 2007
Exordinary image Susana!! Sriking and attention grabing!! Awesome work! #3853576Jessica Jenney January 23, 2007
Wonderful geometric design, colors and play of light, Susana! #3853733Colette M. Metcalf January 23, 2007
Wow!! Terrific image, Susana! #3853743
Jeff Robinson
January 23, 2007
Laurence Saliba
January 23, 2007
Bill Wyatt January 23, 2007
Beautiful lines and colors the symmetry is awesome! Fantastic design and work! Thank you for the very kind comment on my Calla Lily it means a lot! #3854022Melissa G. Meiselman January 23, 2007
Fantastic geometric beauty with awesome design elements, Susana!!! #3854485Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna January 23, 2007
Gorgeous abstract, SuSana!!!!! Love the lines and the colors are beautiful!!!!! ^.^ #3854560Casey A. Hanson January 23, 2007
Very cool... :0) #3854725Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 23, 2007
Super colors and design! #3855160
Marilyn K. Lincecum
January 23, 2007
Lani J January 23, 2007
Super image, Susana! Gorgeous design, well seen and beautiful captured. Now you'll have to blow up both you and SJ's and put them on the wall next to each other :) #3855524Cathy Stancil January 23, 2007
Great design and colors, susan !! My best to SJ !!;O) #3855710John Connolly January 23, 2007
Beautiful work here Susana, with this sharp, colorful geometric design. #3855832Patricia Ronan January 23, 2007
Love this abstract image SuSana great colours and composition :) #3855955DIANE COSGROVE January 23, 2007
This should have won something the first time. #3855975Ken Jarvis January 23, 2007
Great abstract SuSana! Nice colours and lines. #3856365Carla Metzler January 23, 2007
Beautiful colors and deaign, Susan! Great work! #3856373Alexis Yobbagy January 23, 2007
Amazing design SuSana!!!! #3856499Cheryl E. Molennor January 23, 2007
Great abstract SuSana. Awesome bright colors and design #3856737eileen bedford January 23, 2007
Love the design and abstract feeling o is SuSana.... #3856756Ronald F. Fischer January 23, 2007
Fantastic work, as usual, SuSana #3856917Sam Britt January 23, 2007
Great design & color on this wonderful abstract, Susana. #3857031
Arnie Horwitz
January 23, 2007
Pat Gamwell January 24, 2007
BREATHTAKING! Outstanding abstract, Susan! How in the world do you get that saturated color so perfectly applied and clean-cut lines? #3857294
Nancy L. Green
January 24, 2007
RC Fritz January 26, 2007
Fabulous composition. Great image and design, Susana! #3873350Pranay Koka January 27, 2007
great composition and colors #3879165Hurk (Steve) Hurkett January 28, 2007
Love those colors and repeating pattern, SusanaSteve #3882099
ALLEN O. HOWARD January 28, 2007
Oh WOW! This is ELEMENTS OF DESIGN! #3883871
Ronda Chatelle
January 30, 2007
Melissa G. Meiselman February 24, 2007
Congratulations Susana on this awesome finalist!! #3984517Patricia Ronan February 24, 2007
Congrats SuSana:) #3985072Renee Doyle February 24, 2007
This is just so striking! Congratulations SuSana!
Kay E. Mahoney
February 24, 2007
Cheryl E. Molennor February 24, 2007
Congratulations SuSana #3986913
Marilyn K. Lincecum
February 24, 2007
Datha Y. Thompson February 24, 2007
CONGRATULATIONS Again SuSana!!! And on ALL your finalists in case I miss one!!! LOVE your Work!!!!! WTG :0) #3988618Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 25, 2007
Congratulation, SuSana!!!!! Fantastic image!!!!! :-) ^.^ Kitty #3990208Ronald Balthazor February 25, 2007
Congratulations, SuSana. Terrific image. #3990824
Gail Vitikacs
February 25, 2007
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 25, 2007
Emile Abbott
February 25, 2007
February 25, 2007
Evy Johansen
February 25, 2007
Brian Lobdell February 25, 2007
Great idea to bring this one back, SuSana! (since I never saw your original post!) I'm in awe of this design and the superbly captured lighting and POV. Congratulations on your finalist win! #3994577Tarun Bose February 25, 2007
Big, big congrats on your No.4 outstanding finalist. I hope I am keeping the counting correctly. #3995006Remi Trepanier February 27, 2007
Beautiful lines and design! Congratulatiosn! #4001154Glenn E. Urquhart March 04, 2007
A late Big Congratulations on your award, Susana!!! Well Deserved! Cheers, Glenn. #4020053
Marisol Pastor
October 13, 2008
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