Old and Shiny... Still
Uploaded: January 02, 2007 14:18:36
46 or 47 Chevy truck found on recent outing.
Exif: FNumber: 20, ExposureBiasValue: 0/6, ExposureTime: 0.008, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 500, WhiteBalance: manual white balance
Sherry Karr Adkins
January 02, 2007
Jeana Clark January 03, 2007
Great capture Greg!! LOVE these old trucks!! Nice coloring and you're right...the chrome is STILL shining!! Thimbs up!!Gregory Allen Collins January 03, 2007
Thanks so much Sherry and Jeana ! I just can't get enough of these old relics. Just so much character. #3778001Jeana Clark February 24, 2007
Congratulations on this fine finalist Greg!! Well done!
Sherry Karr Adkins
February 24, 2007
Crystal L. Craig February 24, 2007
Wtg Gregory! Congratulations for making finalist with this fabulously wonderful capture! Love it! #3985437Gregory Allen Collins February 24, 2007
Thanks so much, Jeana, Sherry, and Crystal. It really took me by surprise. I really do appreciate your nice comments. #3987026
Sherry Karr Adkins
February 27, 2007
Gregory Allen Collins February 27, 2007
Thanks Sherry! I really appreciate you! #4003180Christopher Delaney February 27, 2007
Congrats! Its a pleasure to share this 2nd with such a fine shot! Great going. #4003655
John V. Roscich
February 27, 2007
Gregory Allen Collins February 27, 2007
Thank you Chris, I really like your pipline shot, very nice.And thanks John! I really appreciate your comment. #4004409
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 27, 2007
Jeana Clark February 27, 2007
HEY!!!....2nd place!! OUTSTANDING Greg! Way to go and congrats on this fine win!!
Kay E. Mahoney
February 28, 2007
Laurence Saliba
February 28, 2007
Jeff Robinson
February 28, 2007
Gregory Allen Collins February 28, 2007
Thanks so very much everyone, Dominick, Jeana, Kay, Laurence, and Jeff. I really appreciate your very nice comments. #4007909
Janine Russell
February 28, 2007
Gregory Allen Collins February 28, 2007
Thank you so much Janine for your nice compliment. I truly appreciate it. #4009204Sherrye Nozaki March 10, 2007
Nicely done, love the editing. It's perfect:) #4041750Gregory Allen Collins March 10, 2007
Thank you Sherrye! I really do appreciate your nice comment. #4042244
Jill Odice
August 26, 2007
Gregory Allen Collins August 27, 2007
Thanks Jill, it means alot coming from you. #4706813Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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