The Useless Stairs
Uploaded: December 23, 2006 12:40:15
It's so painful when We can see the stairs(step) of headway but we can never go up :(and how it's more painful
when someone shows us the stairs which we can never use them:'(, we can just watch them.
I think it's a good idea to rule people as easy as we thought.
If you have idea, plZzzZzzz tell me about it.
Bill Wyatt December 23, 2006
I understand the way you feel but I have no answers for you. We must have hope that one day we can use those stairs. That change will come and we all can use them. I think hope is a very power tool and if we all hold on to that hope that together we can force the change to come.Manuel Barrera December 23, 2006
Life is to be lived and not understood, I found that years ago after much anguish #3734473Melissa G. Meiselman December 23, 2006
Over the years I have learned the same lesson that Manuel has.
Su Sana E. P
December 23, 2006
Morteza Safataj December 23, 2006
Hi Bill,Manuel, Melissa, Susan."The four candles burn slowly.
The ambience was so soft you could hear them talking.
...And that each of us can maintain
Hope,Faith,Peace and Love !!!!
The first one said:
However,nobody can keep me lit.
I believe I will go out.
It's flame rapidly diminishes and goes out completely
The second one says:
Most of all,I'm no longer indispensable,
It does not make any sense.That I stay lit any longer.
When it finished talking,a breeze softly blew on it putting it out.
Sadly,the third candle spoke in its turn:
I have not got the strength to stay lit.
people put me aside and don't understand my importance.
They even forget to love those who are nearest to them.
And waiting no longer it goes out.
Suddenly ...
A child enters the room and sees there candles
not burning.
'Why are you not burning?you are supposed to stay
lit till the end.
Saying this , the child begins to cry.
Than the fourth candle said:
Don't be afraid,while I'm steal burning
we can religth the other candles,
I'm hope!
With shining eyes,the child took the candle of hope
and lit the other candles.
Have a great holidays
Morteza Safataj December 24, 2006
PlzZzz take a look at Ken's picture.^^ #3735156
David Pratt December 24, 2006
Morteza, What a wonderful image. I agree with everyone else here as well. Life is to be lived. Hope always live on. May one day those stairs be used! #3735733Morteza Safataj December 24, 2006
Hi David, Thanks, I also hope one day those stairs be used.^^ #3736412Paula Dwyer December 24, 2006
Striking image and thoughts!!Morteza Safataj December 24, 2006
Thank you very much Paula.
Nancy L. Green
December 25, 2006
Vladan D. Djordjevic December 25, 2006
Great photo! I like symbolism of stairs! #3739598Morteza Safataj December 26, 2006
Thank you very much Nancy and Vladen.^^ #3740321Crystal L. Craig February 24, 2007
Congratulations Morteza on making finalist on this wonderfully captured shadow composition :) #3984295David Pratt February 24, 2007
Congratulations MOrteza! #3985930Melissa G. Meiselman February 24, 2007
Congratulations, Morteza on this terrific finalist!!! #3988018Datha Y. Thompson February 25, 2007
John V. Roscich
February 27, 2007
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