Hannah's Eyes [Contest Finalists June 2006]
Uploaded: June 26, 2006 11:46:01
This is Hannah Rokes , a friend who's a very talented photographer in her own right. I did a phtooshoot with her at her apartment. I shoot it at
F/8, 60sec with a Nikon D70s in NYC at around 3:00pm
Melissa A. Mannon June 26, 2006
beautiful image! I love the coloring and the clear crisp eyes with the reposed expression. #472438Chastity Abbott June 26, 2006
Crystal clear! WOW...love that bronzy look to her. WONDERFUL job!! #2953300Debbie Del Tejo June 26, 2006
Alejandro,Petra Roth June 26, 2006
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Also looking forward to seeing more of your work. #2953552Carolyn Foster Spano June 26, 2006
Alejandro this is fantastic. Crystal clear, perfect lighting. Stunning! #2953632Wende Trew June 26, 2006
Absolutely stunning image alejandro!! #2953997Armando -. Arturo June 26, 2006
wonderful portrait Alejandro and welcome to BP and yes I too look forward to your next image, great job. #2954309Lavone Vannoy June 26, 2006
*Perfection!*Lavone' #2954316
Joan Powell June 26, 2006
BEAUTIFUL !!! This is the best portrait I've ever seen . Great capture. #2954663Monika Sapek June 26, 2006
Beautiful work with great tonality, Alejandro!Jane M June 26, 2006
Perfect B&W and great composition #2954726Caran M. Brosnan July 25, 2006
This is truly stunning! I so wanted to be able to comment to you when I saw it in a little 'other' contest and am very happy to see it here! Congrats, its well deserved. #3074709Carolyn Foster Spano July 25, 2006
I was sure this would be a finalist when I saw it. Congrats to you Alejandro! Well-deserved! #3075362Lavone Vannoy July 25, 2006
Congrats to you!!!! Stunning capture Alejandro!! :) #3076731Erica Murphy July 25, 2006
No doubt that this is a winner!! LOVELY PHOTO! She just glows.Erica #3078761
Candy Avera July 25, 2006
This is beautiful. The skin tones are wonderful, as are the eyes. Congratulations! #3079501Ronald Balthazor July 25, 2006
Congratulations, Alejandro. Stunning portrait. #3080729Ronald F. Fischer July 25, 2006
Congratulations on this awesome finalist! #3080856Joan Powell July 25, 2006
Congrats , I knew it would be picked ! #3081057Piotr M. Organa July 26, 2006
Excellent! Congrats, Hannah and Alejandro! #3083547Monika Sapek July 26, 2006
Many congratulations on your finalist, Alejandro!Michelle J. Harvey July 26, 2006
GORGEOUS!! I love the tones, clarity and comp...Congrats!! #3085497Linda L. Ruiz July 26, 2006
There are some amazing tones here. Love it. Congrats #3087012Michael S. Swaffar July 27, 2006
Congratulations Alejandro!!! This is Stunning!!! Best of luck in the next round. #3089919Gregg Johnstun July 27, 2006
Beautiful. I'm sure Hannah was pleased. Congrats. Good luck in the next round. #3091322Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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