Checking me out.... [Contest Winner Pool June 2006 ]
Uploaded: June 21, 2006 02:24:26
Sunrise light at local park, on my way to work.
Paul E. Earl June 21, 2006
LOL!! I love it. Excellent capture. Love that lighting. #469102Julie Robinson June 21, 2006
Wow - what a fantastic capture Robyn- well done! #2923958Ray Clarke June 21, 2006
This is great Robyn, love that expression and the sticky out neck! (ac) #2924022Donna Roberts June 21, 2006
I love the lighting in this great image Robyn, wow - what a pose!!Nadya Johnson June 21, 2006
Cool shot, Robyn! Love that funny pose and the light is wonderful!! #2924090
Jeff Robinson
June 21, 2006
Su Sana E. P
June 21, 2006
Shelly A. Van Camp
June 21, 2006
Glenn E. Urquhart June 21, 2006
A bird with an attitude (lol)... Excelletnt capture, Robyn!!! Great color, lighting, very well composed and quite beautiful! Cheers, Glenn. #2928841Robyn Mackenzie June 21, 2006
Thank you, Paul, Julie, Audrey, Donna, Nadya, Jeff, Susan, Shelly and Glenn! :o) Robyn #2931085Jenny Bosmans June 22, 2006
Some pose and some capture, Robyn!! Wonderful lighting and composition!! #2935787
Su Sana E. P
July 24, 2006
Renee Doyle July 24, 2006
Boy I missed a heap again in June!! Huge congratulations Robyn - fantastic capture!Pat Gamwell July 24, 2006
WTG, girl! BIG CONGRATS! #3073112Stanley J. Contrades July 25, 2006
Candice C. Calhoun
July 25, 2006
ccc #3073920
Glenn E. Urquhart July 25, 2006
A very big congrats, Robyn!!! Well deserved! Cheers, Glenn. #3074992Karen Slagle July 25, 2006
Big congrats, Robyn... #3075381Bridgette B July 25, 2006
Congrats Robyn!! #3076154Jenny Bosmans July 25, 2006
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Robyn! :) #3076280Colleen Braun July 25, 2006
congratulations... #3076355Nadya Johnson July 25, 2006
Congratulations, Robyn! #3077138
Jill Odice
July 25, 2006
Terry L. Ellis
July 25, 2006
Brian D. Shema July 25, 2006
Congrats Robyn! Good luck! #3080103Robyn Mackenzie July 25, 2006
Thank you very much, Jenny, Susan, Renee, Pat, Stan, Candice, Glenn, Karen, Bridgette, Jenny, Colleen, Nadya, Jill, Terry and Brian. You are very kind! :o) Robyn #3081122
Rakesh Syal
July 26, 2006
Piotr M. Organa July 27, 2006
What a hilarious expression! Priceless! #3092186Rosemary Buffoni May 12, 2008
Priceless is right...I LOVE this image.Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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