Uploaded: June 20, 2006 06:37:35
2nd Place Win
Special Effects
This is dedicated to beginners who want to know
how to accomplish abstract flower photography.
This shot was taken hand held while I selectively
focused on a thistle flower. I purposely allowed
movement of subject (due to breeze) to achieve a
more abstract feeling. Camera settings were:
1/500th of a second at f/5.6. Taken with a 105mm
macro lens. To get really close I attached a
50mm prime lens reversed onto the front of my
macro using a lens reversing ring.
Melissa G. Meiselman June 20, 2006
Wonderful intention, Sharon...and stunning result. Love the painterly look with some sharp detail remaining, reminding us that this is a flower. Great job, Sharon. Hope you do more instructional images!!! #468582Tonya R. Boles June 20, 2006
Great job, thanks for the info as well..Maybe someday I'll figure this out.. lol #2919872Sharon Day June 20, 2006
Thank you, Melissa and Tonya! Tonya, all I did was screw an old Canon 50mm prime lens I have to the front of my macro lens. Both lenses have a 52mm thread size. At Adorama you can purchase lens reversing rings just for this combination. The DOF is very shallow. Almost any image taken with the aperture open wide will accomplish an abstract flower image. The only problem with the Canon FD lenses is the aperture will not stay open all the way unless you cut out the back of a rear lens cap and leave it on the back of the lens. It works fine with the lens cap attached. It looks a bit like a tiny lens hood. #2919903Sharon Day June 20, 2006
Here are a couple of photos to show the setup used. #2919998Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 20, 2006
Very cool technique Sharon, I really like the color of this! #2920024Barbara Helgason June 20, 2006
Really? I didn't know you could do that! Reverse a lens!! Ha ha how cool is that, I guess it's like reversing binoculars, well... not exactly but in a way. Anyways, thanks for sharing, I learned something new today. Oh and beautiful results Sharon! :) #2920083
Carolyn M. Fletcher
June 20, 2006
Irene M. Biery June 20, 2006
I am glad that I checked the message board today... thanks for the lesson.Irene #2920105
Laura Clay-Ballard June 20, 2006
before long you'll be teaching classes at BP! LOVE your thoughtfulness in helping others. Super shot and instruction. #2920174Aldwin L. Ong June 20, 2006
What a calming work of art! and I didn't know either reversing your lens was possible hehe... I really appreciate your selflessness Sharon... God bless u! c",) #2920236
Sherry Stricklin Boles
June 20, 2006
Paul Michko June 20, 2006
Amazing creation, Sharon. #2920271Paula L. Mackey June 20, 2006
Your image is a blessing to my eye, and your in depth instructions are a blessing to my perception. Thank you so much, Sharon! #2920722Corinne M. Thompson June 20, 2006
What a beautiful image and I just love the color too....thanks for sharing your method of achieving this! :) #2920978Susan T. Parady June 20, 2006
Gorgeous colors; this is a really beautiful image, Sharon. Thank you for the instructions! #2921338
Dr Silly
June 20, 2006
Sharon Day June 20, 2006
Thank you all for such nice compliments! LOL Doc! Ducktape works for just about everything! #2922236
Jim Kinnunen
June 20, 2006
Jaclyn Klassen June 26, 2006
Wow, very cool! That's awesome that you took the time to explain all that! Great job! #2954549Michael Khoury June 27, 2006
very well done indeed! #2958414
Susan Jane Allen
June 29, 2006
Graeme yew Chow July 24, 2006
Sharon, congrats !! #3072489Barbara Helgason July 24, 2006
Congratulations Sharon on this beautiful finalist, loved it the first time I saw it!! #3072490Susana Ms Heide July 24, 2006
CONGRATULATIONS Sharon on this beautiful abstract finalist! I wish you good luck in the next round!! I also appreciate the detailed explanation of how this shot was achieved. It's people like you that make BP the learning community it is! THANKS! #3072808Cesar J. La Rosa July 24, 2006
Congratulations on this BEAUTIFUL Finalist, Sharon!!! #3072881
Jim Kinnunen
July 24, 2006
Phil Sauvey July 24, 2006
Very beautiful Sharon and well deserved. Your talent shows and you are not afraid to share it. Thank you for all of your help with my questions and your are a great inspiration to me, and many others I'm sure. Best of luck on round 2! #3072939
Susan Jane Allen
July 24, 2006
Pat Gamwell July 24, 2006
BIG CONGRATS, Sharon! #3073139
Su Sana E. P
July 24, 2006
Stanley J. Contrades July 25, 2006
CONGRATULATIONS, Sharon, and best of luck to you in the next judging with all of your Finalists!!
Candice C. Calhoun
July 25, 2006
ccc #3073927
Aldwin L. Ong July 25, 2006
Congratulations Sharon! c",) #3074478
Laurence Saliba
July 25, 2006
Wendy Stevenson July 25, 2006
Wow you really cleaned up this month Sharon - Congratulations on THIS and all your other BEAUTIFUL finalist - best of luck in the next round!! #3075475Jenny Bosmans July 25, 2006
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Sharon! :) #3076295
Chris Budny
July 25, 2006
Dr Silly
July 25, 2006
Rakesh Syal
July 25, 2006
Jill Flynn July 25, 2006
Congratulations on your finalist Sharon! #3078829Tamera S. Phillips July 25, 2006
Just lovely Sharon. Congrats on your finalist. #3080275
Sherry Stricklin Boles
July 25, 2006
Cora Miller
July 25, 2006
Casey A. Hanson July 26, 2006
Beautiful work, my dear...this should go all the way! It is magnificent!
Ken Smith
July 26, 2006
Sharon Day July 26, 2006
Thank you all for the congrats on this finalist! I appreciate every one of you for taking the time! #3086824Kara L. Hendricks July 26, 2006
Congrats on this wonderful finalist... Good luck in the next round!! #3087118Gregg Johnstun July 27, 2006
Thanks for the lesson, but more importantly, thanks for the beautiful image. Congrats. Good luck in the next round. I hope you win. #3091407Sylvia Rossler July 27, 2006
Big congrats on this beautiful winner Sharon :O) #3092390
Su Sana E. P
July 27, 2006
Darryl Wilkinson July 27, 2006
Sharon, Congratulations on your 2nd place win! WTG! #3092444Pat Gamwell July 27, 2006
BIG CONGRATS on the GOLD one, Sharon! #3092514
Susan Jane Allen
July 27, 2006
Graeme yew Chow July 27, 2006
Sharon, big congrats on this awesome work. Cheers! #3092594Stanley J. Contrades July 27, 2006
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place Win, Sharon!Gregg Johnstun July 28, 2006
I thought you'd win. Congrats. #3092702
Deborah Lewinson
July 28, 2006
Michelle R. Kovach July 28, 2006
Congratulations Sharon! #3093238Wally Orlowsky July 28, 2006
Congratulations on this wonderful and informative winner, Sharon!Jenny Bosmans July 28, 2006
Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Sharon! :) #3093296Charlene Bayerle July 28, 2006
Congratulations Sharon!!!!!! #3093426
Ken Smith
July 28, 2006
Dr Silly
July 28, 2006
Laura Clay-Ballard July 28, 2006
BIG congrats! #3094056
Chris Budny
July 28, 2006
Jim Kinnunen
July 28, 2006
Cyn Valentine July 28, 2006
Beautiful image Sharon.. congratulations!! #3094268
Jim Kinnunen
July 28, 2006
Barbara Helgason July 28, 2006
Congratulations Sharon on this beautiful winner! #3094341
Laurence Saliba
July 28, 2006
Tamera S. Phillips July 28, 2006
I'm glad this one was a winner Sharon! Well done. #3094645Casey A. Hanson July 28, 2006
Yahooooooo! Another awesome win, Sharon! You go girl...congrats!! :)0 #3094691Phil Sauvey July 28, 2006
Great news Sharon. A well deserved win. Congratulations!!! Keep up the great work. #3094699Kay Beausoleil July 28, 2006
Congratulations, Sharon on your win for this beautiful work! #3094746Jill Flynn July 28, 2006
Wonderful creativity and work Sharon. Congratulations on your win! #3094839Marie Fields July 28, 2006
Congratulations on this beauty, Sharon!! #3095291Wendy Stevenson July 28, 2006
Excellent technique and beautiful results Sharon! Congratulations on a fine win! Really gorgeous! #3096195
William C. Raco
July 28, 2006
Bill #3096705
She-She Killough July 28, 2006
This is BEYOND BEAUTIFUL Sharon!!! I LOVE this image. Just so soothing in it's rhythm! And your instruction...well amazing! So GLAD This won for you! ( don't see how it couldn't!!!) Congratulations!!sheesh #3096968
Cora Miller
July 28, 2006
Renee Doyle July 29, 2006
Congratulations on this stunning winner Sharon!!!! This is just such a gorgeous, soft, flowing capture I am so sorry I missed it earlier. Your instructions are awesome and very generous as well - thankyou!! Terrific win!!!!Colette M. Metcalf July 29, 2006
This is gorgeous! Congratulations on your WIN, Sharon!! #3097600DiAnna F. Paulk July 29, 2006
First, congratulations on your win. Second, this is a fantastic photograph! Third, thanks for the information and demonstration on how it was done. Fourth, I LOVE your comment-debt-free zone! LOL! But I truly like so many of your images it's not hard to leave a comment. Finally, thanks for your kind comment on my Old Wagon Wheels entry! #3098105Piotr M. Organa July 29, 2006
Congrats on this gorgeous flower shot and your win! Keep shootin' Sharon!! #3098406Stephen Zacker July 29, 2006
Stunning. Congratulations #3098687Patty Razonable July 29, 2006
Congratulations, Sharon!! Fabulous flower abstract!! #3100342Leanne M.E. Boyd July 30, 2006
Wow, quite the shot - congratulations on your win, Sharon! #3101424Nobu Nagase July 30, 2006
Congratulations on your great win, Sharon! #3102880
Janine Russell
July 30, 2006
Joe Ciccone July 31, 2006
a pity to learn that besides poor judging on this site, there is also censorship of all but 'flowery remarks'
Chris Budny
August 01, 2006
Sharon Day August 01, 2006
Joe, your comments are unbearably rude and uncalled for. You are hateful without excuse. Please do not leave comments on my images at all in the future. I believe we all "get it." If you have issues with BP then why not just leave??? I have NEVER commented on a photo of yours, much less in such a rude manner and after taking the time to browse your entire gallery I found plenty of images worth criticizing. You also have a PSed image of a shell of some kind and you wish to criticize this image? Oh puleeeze! I see no reason for you to be targeting me with your brand of nastiness! I thought to email you this, but since you are determined NOT to get the HINT when your comments were removed then I'm going to spell it out for you here! LEAVE ME ALONE!Friends, please do not respond to Joe's comments. He's petty beyond belief and not worth bothering with. I wouldn't be bothering if he'd just take a hint and leave. Thanks! #3109212
Joe Ciccone August 01, 2006
when did an honest opinion become hateful?Susana Ms Heide August 01, 2006
Many CONGRATULATIONS Sharon on this EXCELLENT image!! I loved it as a finalist and was hoping to see it win! WTG Sharon!! #3110179Sharon Day August 01, 2006
Joe, the discussion thread of a winner (or POTD) is NOT the place to criticize the judge's decisions. Your opinion is/was hateful and that's all it was...just an opinion. The first post you made was sheer mockery as I'm sure were your intentions. You offered NO "constructive critique" and your entire tone is offensive.Censorship?? This is a lame accusation. Of course there is censorship. This image is located in MY gallery here at BP and is MY image and I have every right to "censor" what I feel is inappropriate and you have no "rights" to infringe on my rights to do so.
Yesterday I asked Heather to remove your offending comments and your photo (for lack of a better word) because I did not want my win tainted by your brand of critique. Obvisously you have an axe to grind and why you chose my win to target is beyond me. The Special Effects category is full of abstracts every month yet you chose my image to bestow your attention on. I find this odd.
I hope I've made myself clear. Please refrain from further "opinions." #3110230
Sharon Day August 01, 2006
Thank you all for such nice congratulations on this 2nd place win in the Special Effects category. As an explanation this is an abstract form of photography and the type of image ofen found in the SE category. Abstract photography is not understood or appreciated by everyone, but it does take some skill to capture a pleasing abstract regardless of whether it's appreciated or not. I would like to thank the judges as well for noticing this photo! #3110342Tonya R. Boles August 01, 2006
I thought I had commented on this one already...Guess not. Congrats and thanks for the helpful information.. #3111222Bob Cammarata August 01, 2006
Sharon,For the record,...I like this photo because it was first thought out and then executed and you explained in the caption exactly how it was created.
The recognition of a win...along with your explaination, is the kind of motivation that might lead others to try new things and to reach goals yet un-achieved.
I think that was what the judges saw too and I applaud you on a deserved win.
Bob #3111450
Tammy Scott August 02, 2006
This is truly a well deserved win. I just love it. #3116179Laura Clay-Ballard August 02, 2006
I am still LOVING it and had to come back and see it, again! Super! Love the abstract. #3116274Diane Dupuis August 02, 2006
Congrats on your win Sharon! What I think is most special is how you go about explaining exactly how you achieved this effect! That is what BP is all about - sharing with others! #3116298Kara L. Hendricks August 03, 2006
Wow.. Well, this got quite heated.. So sorry to see your WELL DESERVED win tainted by negative comments... This is a stunning display of abstract talent.. And although not all members enjoy this type of image, it does not take away from it's value.. I am glad the judges saw, and rewarded you for it... Way to go!! #3122045Debra Booth August 06, 2006
Congratulations on this well-deserved win, Sharon. You've used special effects in a superb manner to create a beautiful abstract. Thanks for being so generous in sharing your techniques and knowledge. #3131748Karen Bacon August 09, 2006
Congratulations Sharon on this stunning winner!It takes alot of skill and work to achieve such a beautiful image!Your win is certainly well deserved. #3144005Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 03, 2007
Beautiful color ad feel to this great winning image Sharon, congratulations! #4470581
Errick L. Cameron
December 20, 2007
Anita Bower July 20, 2008
Lovely! I especially appreciate your explanation of how you took the photo, and the photos of your set up. I've never tried reversing my 50mm lens, but, I may just have to try it soon. #6201177Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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