A Touch Of Freedom [68555 Special Effects]
Uploaded: June 06, 2006 01:25:52
No PS - Rotating and also moving camera backwards while shooting - Aperture - Speed A - F8
Congratulations on this day !
Rakesh Syal
June 06, 2006
Donald K. Cherry June 06, 2006
Beautiful image, Reine! Looks as though we both had abstract old glory on the mind today!! #2857824
Shelly A. Van Camp
June 06, 2006
Stanley J. Contrades June 06, 2006
Thank you very much for the birthday greeting this morning and also for this excellent motion image that has a great deal of meaning for me! I do appreciate your thoughtfulness!Jenny Bosmans June 06, 2006
Wonderful motion image, Reine!! Very beautiful indeed!!Amy JACKSON June 06, 2006
Beautiful image, Reine!!! Great camera work!! & Happy birthday Stan! #2860803Life Expressions June 06, 2006
Cool in camera effects! #2860815Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 06, 2006
Wonderful image, Reine, excellent in-camera work! #2861485Sylvia Rossler June 07, 2006
Super motion shot Reine ! Love the dreamlike feeling !! #2862682Danielle Baron June 16, 2006
Excellent job at treating uniquely a subject widely covered..wonderful effect. #2904246Kerby Pfrangle June 26, 2006
Nice treatment and I like the lighting effect over the flag. Very nice. #2950575Sharon Day June 28, 2006
Awesome shot, Reine!!! #2962663Sharon Day July 24, 2006
Congratulations on this and all of your outstanding finalists, Reine!!! Good luck next round! #3072604
Su Sana E. P
July 24, 2006
Danielle Baron July 25, 2006
This beautiful image definitely deserved to be in the finalists :). Congrats #3073960
Terry L. Ellis
July 25, 2006
Jenny Bosmans July 25, 2006
Congratulations on another beautiful finalist, Reine! :) #3077894
Rakesh Syal
July 25, 2006
Serena Pierce
July 27, 2006
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