Fire and Sun - Multiple Exp [68555 Special Effects]
Uploaded: May 30, 2006 20:26:47
In-camera multiple exposure x10. These are tall blooming red yucca plants near a wooded area.
I broke a 'rule' here by grabbing this shot in the harsh light of midday, in an attempt to 'experiment' with the technique. I liked the effect with the contrasty light. Guess 'rules' can be broken!
Kevin Nugent
June 01, 2006
Barbara Kile June 02, 2006
Appreciate it, Kevin! #2844164Marie Fields July 25, 2006
This is beautiful, Barbara (I remember seeing it at the cafe') Congratulations on a wonderful finalist! #3078967Joline Frazier July 26, 2006
I liked this before, and I still do....My pick of the litter for this category...good luck, Barbara. #3084298
Serena Pierce
July 27, 2006
Cora Miller
July 28, 2006
Roger Bernabo July 28, 2006
Congratulations Barbara on your winning image! #3093838Barbara Kile July 28, 2006
Thanks everyone. Appreciate your nice comments! #3096567Lorraine A. Cook July 29, 2006
The colors are so intense! Congratulations on this awesome win, Barbara!<:)) #3097380Ron Skinner July 30, 2006
Congratulations Barb, great shot, very creative. #3101981Nobu Nagase July 30, 2006
Congrats!!! #3102845Cyn Valentine July 30, 2006
Beautifully done...congratulations!!! #3102875Barbara Kile July 30, 2006
Thanks for the encouraging feedback everyone and taking the time to comment! #3103231
Janine Russell
July 30, 2006
Joline Frazier July 31, 2006
Congratulations, this is so beautiful. Well deserved win! #3104668Jesus M. Salazar March 26, 2007
Really Beautiful, Barbara!!!Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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