Uploaded: July 28, 2018 03:32:58 | Entered: November 22, 2019 03:35:42
A day at the Zoo - This young girl and a baby gorilla appeared to be observing each other contemplating the moment being shared - Becoming friends through the glass wall quickly!
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/320 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 250, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 320.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Bojan Bencic
July 28, 2018
Carolyn M. Fletcher
July 28, 2018
Harvey A. Ravitch July 28, 2018
Fantastic timing , & storytelling! Well Done! #11716846Kirsten Kiki Kjaer July 28, 2018
Imagine there were no glass wall. I'm sure these two would be friends. Very well timed and captured, Jeff. #11716858
Chuck Green
July 28, 2018
G. Margaret Hennes
July 28, 2018
Emile Abbott
July 28, 2018
Terry Cervi
July 28, 2018
Jeff Robinson
July 29, 2018
Lindley Johnson
July 29, 2018
Leslie McLain
July 29, 2018
Bob D. Hall
July 30, 2018
Nancy L. Green
July 30, 2018
Jeff Robinson
July 31, 2018
frank w. degenhardt July 31, 2018
You could not ask for a more perfect pose from the young lady and from the baby. Both wondering about each other, your pov captures the feel so beautifully. The timing is incredible as the baby holds his hand to his chin as if in deep thought about this person it sees. Love the colors, the textures, a gorgeous look and mood brought out Jeff. #11717683
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
July 31, 2018
Jill Odice
August 03, 2018
Jeff Robinson
August 04, 2018
Gail Sullivan
June 09, 2019
Jeff Robinson
November 22, 2019
Leslie McLain
November 22, 2019
Sharon Smith
November 22, 2019
Terry Korpela
November 22, 2019
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures November 22, 2019
What an amazing storytelling image Jeff!!! #11784339
Jeff Robinson
November 23, 2019
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