Perfect Spin

© Thomas L Willis

Perfect Spin

Uploaded: October 23, 2017 05:48:19 | Entered: October 23, 2017 05:54:24


Spinning a top made by their Great Grandfather. Converted from color in NIK Siver Efex Pro 2. This image had previously been displayed as a color image before I realized its potential as a monochromatic image.


Leslie McLain level-classic October 23, 2017

Terrific capture and effects, Thomas. #1698223

Thomas L Willis October 23, 2017

Thank you, Leslie. #11651497

Carrie M. Groseclose October 23, 2017

What an awesome image Thomas. I love the scene and your processing is perfect! #11651545

Joannie Bertucci level-classic October 23, 2017

I think you've captured a wonderful, fun, 1930's play time in a wonderful antique setting! You are right, great potential! fave #11651572

Thomas L Willis October 23, 2017

Thank you, Carrie and Joannie. #11651574

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 23, 2017

It works phenomenally well as a monochromatic image, Thomas! Love it , fave & hope to see this again! Like Joannie's comment too! #11651600

Thomas L Willis October 24, 2017

Thank you, Patrick. #11651625

Janet Daniel October 24, 2017

So totally awesome, Thomas! Love it! #11651705

Thomas L Willis October 24, 2017

Thank you, Janet. #11651759

John Connolly October 24, 2017

Wonderful tones and a nice treatment Thomas! A nice rework! #11651798

Terry Cervi level-deluxe October 24, 2017

I love what you've done with this delightful shot, Tom! Fantastic work! #11651865

Thomas L Willis October 24, 2017

Thank you, John and Terry. #11651901

Anita Bower October 25, 2017

Yes, it works great in monochrome--in tune with the old top. #11651973

Nancy L. Green level-classic October 25, 2017

OUTSTANDING B+W Thomas, I actually remember playing with those tops, WTG!! <>< #11652048

Thomas L Willis October 25, 2017

Thank you, Anita, and Nancy. #11652155

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