Uploaded: July 30, 2017 18:48:30 | Entered: July 30, 2017 18:51:52
The walking bridge inside MOMA, NYC
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/30 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 35.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Joanna Kovalcsik July 31, 2017
Fascinating capture, Susan... nice warm colors, excellent POV! #1692637Harvey A. Ravitch July 31, 2017
Wonderful vision, composition , & clarity! #11626491Susan Johnson July 31, 2017 1
Thank you both for your comments #11626561Oscar J. Pung July 31, 2017
Nice one Susan. Made me think! #11626689Carolyn M. Fletcher August 31, 2017
Great eye. I love this .. Excellent find! #11635437Patrick Rouzes August 31, 2017
Big Congrats on your well-deserved GPW, Susan! #11635873Joanna Kovalcsik September 01, 2017
Congratulations, Susan, on this fabulous Grand Prize Winner! :o) #11635913Susan Johnson September 01, 2017 1
Thank you so much to all who voted for this image and to those who stopped and left a message... such exciting news!!!! #11636028Emile Abbott September 01, 2017
Great eye and capture, Congratulations on Grand Prize Winner. #11636160John Koepfer @PresentPleasures September 01, 2017
This is such an incredibly seen and captured image Susan, huge congratulations on your GPW!! #11636467Bojan Bencic September 01, 2017
Great composition, Susan. Congratulations! #11636516Rudi Reiner September 02, 2017
Congratulations, love this shot.... forget the art, look at the building itself! #11636997Christine Greenspan September 03, 2017
Fabulous shot, Susan! So expertly created. Congrats on the GPW! #11637060Harvey A. Ravitch September 03, 2017
Fantastic vision, & composition, Congratulations! Well Earned! #11637081Teresa Burnett September 03, 2017
Huge Congratulations on this unique and beautiful Grand Prize winner, Susan!! #11637110Terry Cervi September 04, 2017
Congrats on your awesome GP win, Susan!! #11637656Rosemary Sampson September 26, 2017
Love the composition and perspective! #11644260Amanda D. Austwick November 18, 2017
Love the POV and colors. Congratulations on your 2 Gold badges! #11658583Laura E. Swan November 18, 2017
I love it!! :D Great find and job Susan! Congrats on that massive GOLD!! #11658622Chuck Green November 18, 2017
Congrats, Susan, on your splendid GP Winner and POTD! <>< #11658629Rosemary Sampson November 18, 2017
Interesting perspective. Love the composition and the lighting. Well done! #11658653Joanna Kovalcsik November 18, 2017
Congratulations on your unique POTD, Susan! #11658686Thomas L Willis November 19, 2017
Excellent image, Susan. Unique and interesting as well as compelling from its simple beauty. #11658826John Koepfer @PresentPleasures November 19, 2017
So impressive and deserves all the gold in gets Susan, congratulations on your POTD!! #11658925Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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