Colorful Rock in Ohgee Stream
Uploaded: December 07, 2005
Exif: FNumber: 22, ExposureBiasValue: 0/1, ExposureTime: 1, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 50, WhiteBalance: manual white balance
Jim Miotke
My Courses March 15, 2006
Thanks for your comments and I would be happy to help. First tell me, what is it about the D100 that causes you grief? And how many lenses total do you have for it? I love my Canon 5D but I would have to think twice if you already have a lot of money invested in Nikkor lenses. #2537266
Jim Miotke
My Courses March 19, 2006
I shoot Canon and love it but I would recommend that you lean toward sticking with your current set up. You might change... but for the moment think about staying with the Nikon system. The reason is this: it will cost a lot to change gears and everybody has a hard time with indoor sports. Action in low-light is extremely challenging. And the great Canon lenses are just as expensive as those pricey 80-200 f/2.8 lenses.
I do recommend that you try out a friend's Canon (or other) digital SLR. If you find the controls and functions much more user-friendly, then consider switching.
We hope to have a course here soon to help with action and sports photos. Stay tuned... If you do end up stitching, let me know how it goes. #2550338
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