An Amish Farm [Digital Darkroom]
Uploaded: May 23, 2017 17:14:14 | Entered: May 23, 2017 17:14:14
Exif: F Number: 16, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 1600, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Dayna Cain May 23, 2017
Absolute perfection. #1687002Carol Quina May 23, 2017
Lovely capture & treatment. #11597909Joanna Kovalcsik May 24, 2017
Nice layering, light, and shadow, Mary Beth! #11597944Joanna Kovalcsik June 16, 2017
Congratulations on your Finalist, Mary Beth, and best wishes for the GOLD round! :o) #11609529Leslie McLain June 16, 2017
Congrats on a beautiful winner, Mary Beth. #11609957Jeff Robinson June 17, 2017
Great pano capture and treatment - Congrats Mary Beth! #11610858Nancy L. Green June 17, 2017
CONGRATULATIONS Mary Beth on this wonderful winner, WTG!! <>< #11610904LJ Corliss June 18, 2017
Big Congrats :) #11611192Joanna Kovalcsik June 18, 2017
Mary Beth, kindest congratulations on your fabulous Second Place GOLD! #11611541Chris Budny June 19, 2017
Wonderful paint effects on this bucolic scene; congratulations! #11611672Emile Abbott June 20, 2017
Well presented and congratulations Mary Beth on your Gold Winner. #11612345Anita Bower July 06, 2017
Excellent! I like the processing, as well as original photo. #11617583Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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