Black & White Progression [Contest Winner Pool November 2016]
Uploaded: November 12, 2016 13:24:13 | Entered: November 12, 2016 13:24:13
Details from the Harpa Concert Center in Reykjavick
Exif: F Number: 4.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 320, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 70D
Harvey A. Ravitch November 12, 2016
Fantastic MC Esher like Composition! Beautifully seen, Lit, detailed & Created! I hope a Winner! #1673431G. Margaret Hennes November 12, 2016
Thank you for the very nice feedback Harvey! The building is stunning and provides so many photo ops. #11536981Leslie McLain January 01, 2017
Congrats on a fantastic winner, Margaret. #11549629G. Margaret Hennes January 01, 2017
Thank you Leslie! #11549642Dee Langevin January 01, 2017
Congratulations on your fabulous winner Margaret! This ceiling looks vaguely familiar! :-) #11549696Harvey A. Ravitch January 01, 2017
Congratulations, one of my favorite images ever entered! #11549706G. Margaret Hennes January 01, 2017
Thanks so much for the lovely comments Dee and Harvey! #11549725Patrick Rouzes January 01, 2017
Congrats on the well-deserved winner, Margaret! #11549742G. Margaret Hennes January 01, 2017
Thank you Patrick! #11549746Teresa Burnett January 01, 2017
Huge Congratulations on this wonderful Winner, Margaret!! #11549827G. Margaret Hennes January 01, 2017
Thank you Teresa! #11549870Natasha Pliss January 01, 2017
Great find and gorgeous presentation! Huge congrats on this stunning winner, Margaret! #11549889Joan Classen January 01, 2017
Congratulations on an amazing winner, Margaret! #11549974G. Margaret Hennes January 01, 2017
Thank you for the great comments Natasha and Joan! #11550019Jeff Robinson January 02, 2017
Congrats on this Super-Cool Win!! #11550505G. Margaret Hennes January 02, 2017
Thanks so much Jeff! #11550539Emile Abbott January 03, 2017
Congrats on this amazing capture andG. Margaret Hennes January 03, 2017
Thanks for the lovely comments Emile! #11550875Rosemary Sampson January 16, 2017
Very interesting design. Well seen and Well done! #11554777G. Margaret Hennes January 17, 2017
Thank you Rosemary! #11554837Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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