Water Drops with Dahlia.

Uploaded: November 04, 2016 11:24:23 | Entered: November 04, 2016 11:30:22


The drops act as a wide angle lens, with the single dahlia showing in each drop.


Shirley D. Freeman November 04, 2016

Oh Thomas, this is spectacular! Excellent capture of the water drops with the magnification of the flower behind them! <>< #1672805

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe November 04, 2016

Outstanding details and work, Thomas. #11534410

Gail Sullivan level-classic November 04, 2016

This deserves a big WOW, Thomas...amazing work! #11534422

Terry Cervi level-classic November 04, 2016

Stunning work, Tom! #11534490

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures November 04, 2016

Love these shots of yours Thomas, they are so unique and remarkable!!! #11534501

Thomas L Willis November 05, 2016

Thank you, Shirley, Tammy, Gail, Terry and John. #11534750

Claudia Kuhn level-classic November 06, 2016

Beautiful macro! Love all those cute flowers #11535247

Thomas L Willis November 06, 2016

Thank you, Claudia. #11535298

Leslie McLain level-classic November 07, 2016

Stunning capture, Thomas. #11535596

Thomas L Willis November 07, 2016

Thank you, Leslie. #11535600

Katherine Kuhn November 09, 2016

Excellent work, Thomas! Wonderful clarity, color & reflections! #11536039

Thomas L Willis November 09, 2016

Thank you, Katherine. #11536126

Bojan Bencic level-classic November 21, 2016

This is amazing, Thomas. Great idea and capture. #11539209

Thomas L Willis November 21, 2016

Thank you, Bojan #11539211

Craig W. Myers level-classic November 23, 2016

Ditto all of the above. Special image. #11539805

Thomas L Willis November 28, 2016

Thank you, Craig. #11540720

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures December 31, 2016

Congratulations Thomas, such a beautiful finalist!! Good luck in the next round!!! #11549499

Zelma Lias January 26, 2017

Your creative work is outstanding! #11557277

Thomas L Willis January 26, 2017

Thank you, Zelma. #11557374

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures February 03, 2017

Congratulations Thomas on this image being picked for POTD!!! #11560025

Peggy Pfister level-classic February 03, 2017

Awesome photo, Thomas! Big congrats on the POTD! #11560036

Thomas L Willis February 04, 2017

Thank you, John and Peggy. #11560373

Jill Odice level-classic April 18, 2017

Awesome, I just cannot seem to master creating this effect and look. You did a great job of it! #11584630

Thomas L Willis April 18, 2017

Thanks, Jill. #11584634

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