Sundown at Addenbrooke

Uploaded: October 29, 2016 12:41:49 | Entered: October 29, 2016 12:45:48


f/8.0, 1/25 sec, 16.0mm, ISO-64 some adjustments made with PSP X7 Entered: 10/29/2016 N&L


Shirley D. Freeman October 29, 2016

Beautiful sky and a nice silhouette of this old windmill, Cary! Excellent lighting and composition. <>< #1672303

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe October 29, 2016

Great comp, color and capture! #11531688

Val Feldman level-classic October 29, 2016

Beautiful end of day colors, comp and a wonderful silhouette of the windmill, Cary! Nice find and eye-catching capture! #11531691

Mary L. Olson level-classic October 29, 2016

Great exposure, and the composition is very compelling. Nice work! #11531715

Chuck Green level-classic October 29, 2016

Excellent sunset image, Cary! Love windmills! #11531744

John Connolly October 30, 2016

There is nothing like a windmill and a good sunset Cary! What a delightful image! #11532248

Cary Rogers October 30, 2016

Shirley, Jeff, Val, Mary, Chuck, and John: thank you all for your wonderful comments! This windmill is actually located in a busy suburban area. I had to run into a street in-between packs of cars to get the POV I wanted---against the sunset clouds. Thanks again! :-) #11532462

Craig W. Myers level-classic November 23, 2016

Wonderful silhouette. You've framed the windmill perfectly in this image. #11539800

Cary Rogers November 24, 2016

I appreciate your comments, Craig! Thank you! #11540043

Janet Daniel November 30, 2016

I love this one, Cary! Superb! Congratulations on your Finalist! #11541237

Chuck Green level-classic December 01, 2016

Congrats, Cary, on your gorgeous finalist! <>< #11542050

Cary Rogers December 05, 2016

Thank you for your comments, Janet and Chuck! I appreciate it! #11543184

James S. Nelson March 02, 2017

Beautiful photo. Love the composition, and the silhouette. Congratulations on Photo Of The Day. #11567726

John D. Roach level-addict March 02, 2017

Very nice image..... #11567733

Nancy L. Green level-classic March 02, 2017

CONGRATULATIONS Cary, this is AWESOME!!! <>< #11567734

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 02, 2017

Excellent windmill silhouette and sunset colors, Cary. Congratulations on this beautiful POTD! #11567739

Sara B Coffey level-classic March 02, 2017

Beautiful Cary! Congratulations on your POTD! #11567744

Natasha Pliss level-classic March 02, 2017

Stunning colors and silhouette! Very impressive POTD. Congratulations Cary! #11567751

Val Feldman level-classic March 02, 2017

Just beautiful! Perfect comp, silhouette and gorgeous sunset colors. Yep, very eye-catching and a well-deserved POTD, Cary...Congrats! #11567753

Michele Peterson level-classic March 02, 2017

Congratulations Cary on your POTD! I remember seeing this one before, loving the colors and the amazingly perfect silhouette. #11567760

Chuck Green level-classic March 02, 2017

Congrats on your POTD, Cary! <>< #11567802

armando S. sardon March 02, 2017

Simply beautiful. One can feel the quietness and vibrant colors. Keep on. Armando #11567817

armando S. sardon March 02, 2017

Simply beautiful. One can feel the quietness and vibrant colors. Keep on. Armando #11567818

Leslie McLain level-classic March 02, 2017

Congrats on a beautiful POTD, Cary. #11567874

Cary Rogers March 04, 2017

James, John, Nancy, Joanna, Sara, Natasha, Val, Michele, Chuck, armando, and Leslie: thank you all so much, for your gracious comments! My first POTD at BP, so I am very happy! #11568608

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures March 09, 2017

Congratulations Cary on your wonderful finalist and POTD!! #11570217

Cary Rogers March 09, 2017

Thank you, John! I appreciate you stopping-by and commenting! #11570243

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