Sleepy Hollow Farm, VT
Uploaded: October 21, 2016 06:41:02 | Entered: October 21, 2016 06:41:02
Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/130 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 42.00 mm, Model: NIKON D800
Gord MacEachern October 21, 2016
A real treasure of a find and capture Doug!! #1671617Jeff Robinson October 21, 2016
Wonderful capture of this classic farm Doug! #11529017Joanne Kramer October 21, 2016
Well photographed farm scene......pov. #11529067Tammy M. Anderson October 21, 2016
Wonderful comp. clarity and colors, Doug. Beautiful farm and capture. #11529085JO ANN CLEVELAND October 21, 2016
Frame it and Hang it Doug! They just don't get any prettier than this...a fave!! #11529095frank w. degenhardt October 21, 2016
Such a beautiful scene that reminds me of the beautiful puzzles we put together. You pov and composing give us a wonderful overlook o the buildings, the fall season colors and a gorgeous sky to top it all off with. Colors details, the look so perfectly done. #11529101Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas October 21, 2016
Very beautiful composition and colors Douglas!,John Connolly October 21, 2016
What a glorious scene and capture Douglas! It sure is enhanced by the autumn colors! #11529158Shirley Sicurello October 21, 2016
Love this placee - we must have been there on the same day as the leaves look the same! #11529195Patrick Rouzes October 23, 2016
Captivating colors, & scene Doug. Love it. #11529696Joannie Bertucci October 25, 2016
My favorite spot that you've captured to perfection Doug! fave #11530523Tammy M. Anderson November 30, 2016
Beautiful Finalist. Congrats! #11541458JO ANN CLEVELAND December 01, 2016
I knew this should be a Gold Winner...big congrats Doug!! #11541936Patrick Rouzes December 01, 2016
Congrats on this beautiful Winner, Doug! WTG! #11542150Jeff Robinson December 02, 2016
Congrats on your Win Doug! #11542172Joannie Bertucci December 02, 2016
I'm so glad a gold badge showed up on this beauty Doug! Congrats! #11542512Ilir Dugolli December 05, 2016
Great shot. Congrats #11543095John Connolly April 05, 2017
Congratulations on your gold win Doug! A very deserving win! #11580186Ann H. Belus April 11, 2017
Congratulations on this superb capture...beautifully done, Doug! #11582361Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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