High Top Photography
Uploaded: April 29, 2016 08:22:19 | Entered: April 29, 2016 08:32:35
At the Alyeska Resort in Girdwood Alaska, when the skiing season is over, the tram will take visitors up to the top of the mountain for the wonderful panoramic scenic views. One has to stay fairly steady to walk the trails up here. The path you see in this photo, with the photographer and his subject, can be a bit scary due to the steep cliff to the right of the photographer. He quickly took the shot and then they moved on.
JO ANN CLEVELAND April 29, 2016
Mercy! That surely looks dangerous! I wouldn't even want to walk up there, to scary to make a picture! Awesome fave!!! #1656537Susan M. Hembree April 29, 2016
Thanks, Jo Ann! You wouldn't believe how high it is up there. But we did walk that path and took pictures. I was terrified the whole time. Believe it or not, that side, during the winter, when it gets mounds of snow on it is for expert skiers. It's like an 75 - 85 degree angle going down. I don't know if anyone has ever done it or if they did, how they survived it. #11467361
Patrick Rouzes
May 30, 2016
Susan M. Hembree June 06, 2016
Thanks, Patrick. It was a very wonderful adventure. It reminded me of Newfoundland quite a bit. Just higher rocks and grizzly bears. #11483044Susan M. Hembree June 06, 2016
Thanks, Patrick. It was a very wonderful adventure. It reminded me of Newfoundland quite a bit. Just higher rocks and grizzly bears. #11483045Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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