Fire and Water [All Time Best Photography Contest Winners]
Uploaded: February 21, 2016 09:38:56 | Entered: February 21, 2016 09:38:56
Watson Lake, Prescott AZ, Sunrise
Exif: F Number: 19, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 16.00 mm, Model: NIKON D800E
Rudi Reiner February 21, 2016
Wow, fantastic colors & timing! #1650242Shirley D. Freeman February 21, 2016 1
Absolutely beautiful! Stunning comes to mind. I love it! #11437741Mary L. Olson February 21, 2016
What drama you have captured here, Gayle, Beautiful. #11437778Jeff Robinson February 21, 2016
Stunning work Gayle!! #11437810Joannie Bertucci February 21, 2016
Your presentation is flawless Gayle! The reflection adds wonderful depth! #11437825Tammy M. Anderson February 21, 2016
Gorgeous capture. A winner. #11437840Susan M. Campbell February 21, 2016
Stunning image! #11437867Leslie McLain February 21, 2016
Stunning capture, Gayle. #11437880John Rivera February 22, 2016
Awesome image!!!! #11437937Brenda Novar February 23, 2016
Gorgeous! #11438180Natasha Pliss March 16, 2016
Spectacular image, Gayle! Stunning colors, beautiful reflections, magical light. I am sure we'll see it again. Favorite. #11447939Teresa Burnett March 28, 2016
Love this, Gayle!! Congratulations...and best of luck in the next round!! #11453295Carol Eade March 30, 2016
Beautiful! Congratulations on your finalist. #11454333G. Margaret Hennes April 01, 2016
Congratulations on this stunning Winner Gayle #11454807Teresa Burnett April 01, 2016
So glad to see this one wearing Gold, Gayle!! Huge Congrats!! #11454832Natasha Pliss April 01, 2016
Oh, I knew it! Big congrats on your fabulous Winner, Gayle! #11455059Ellen Hodges April 01, 2016
Huge congrats on a gorgeous winner, Gayle!! #11455421Paula Showen April 03, 2016
This is amazing, Gayle!!! Congratulations on your Second Place Winner! #11456666John D. Roach April 04, 2016
Beautiful. Outstanding. Congrats. #11456895John D. Roach April 04, 2016
Excellent image. Congrats. #11456896Rosemary Sampson April 04, 2016
Fantastic capture! #11457017JO ANN CLEVELAND June 01, 2016
Frame it and Hang it Gayle! This is fabulous girl, wonderful Gold 2nd Place Winner!! #11481252Madonna Ashman July 23, 2016
Stunning!!! #11498117John D. Roach July 23, 2016
fine image....congrats. #11498118Betty Ann Kelly July 23, 2016
Congrats on your beautiful 3x winner! Very serene!Patricia A. Casey July 23, 2016
I love Watson Lake, Gayle...and I love this shot! Huge congratulations on POTD & on all the previously awarded Gold! Cheers!!! =^..^= #11498123Gloria Matyszyk July 23, 2016
Lovely!Michael Alexander July 23, 2016
You really captured the beauty of it all! Shutter speed? HDR? #11498139G. Margaret Hennes July 23, 2016
Absolutely stunning! #11498172Sylvia Rourke July 23, 2016
Magnificently beautiful, congrats on your All Time Win, Second Place and POTD. #11498173Nancy L. Green July 23, 2016
WOW Gayle, this is AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! <>< #11498199Leslie McLain July 23, 2016
Congrats on all of your awards, Gayle. A stunning image. #11498200Chuck Green July 23, 2016
Ditto on stunning! Congrats! #11498215Joy Bello July 23, 2016
Gorgeous!! Congrats on all your awards!! #11498216Thomas L Willis July 23, 2016
Beautiful image, Gayle. Congratulations, well deserved awards. #11498227Lydia Williams July 23, 2016
WOW!!! a beauty...and congratulations on your goldens! #11498231Janice M. LeCocq July 23, 2016
Gayle, this is an amazing image!!!! LOVE IT! #11498247Janice M. LeCocq July 23, 2016
Gayle, this is an amazing image!!!! LOVE IT! #11498248Carol Marsh July 23, 2016
This is breath taking. Where is it ? #11498261Carol Marsh July 23, 2016
This is breath taking. Where is it ? #11498262Deborah Lewinson July 23, 2016
Huge congrats on your three Gold Wins, Gayle, for this stunning image! #11498267Carol Marsh July 23, 2016
This is spectacular. Where is it ? #11498271Carol Marsh July 23, 2016
This is spectacular. Where is it ? #11498272Gayle Lucci July 23, 2016
Thank you all so very much for your much appreciated comments. It is such an honor to be in the company of such talented photographers! Gayle Lucci #11498273Joy Bello July 23, 2016
Carol Marsh, under the description it says where this was taken: Watson Lake, Prescott AZ #11498324Mary-Anne Benusis July 29, 2016
Perfect #11499763Mary-Anne Benusis July 29, 2016
Perfect #11499764Michael Bradley July 29, 2016
Excellent!! #11499786Gerda Grice July 29, 2016
Stunning! Many congeatulations on your awards! #11499833Janice Mezzacappa July 30, 2016
Congrats Gayle on this gorgeous winner! #11500099Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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