Roller Coaster, Galveston, Tx [All Time Best Photography Contest Winners]
Uploaded: February 18, 2016 09:44:36 | Entered: February 18, 2016 09:48:21
Nikon 200-400 with 6 sec exposure 35 min before sunrise.
Rudi Reiner February 18, 2016
Cool silhouette shot! #1650036Thomas L Willis February 18, 2016
Thanks Rudi. #11436878Mitch Spence February 18, 2016
Great silhouette and composition, Thomas. #11436934Carol L. Fowler February 18, 2016
Wonderful silhouette and colors #11436960Thomas L Willis February 18, 2016
Thanks Mitch and Carol. #11436969Gail Sullivan February 19, 2016
Thomas..just gorgeous sunset colors and I love the swirls and dips make by the coaster silhouette! #11437068Thomas L Willis February 19, 2016
Thank you Gail. #11437112Thomas L Willis February 19, 2016
Thank you Carol. #11437114Leslie McLain February 19, 2016
Fantastic capture and sunrise colors, Thomas. #11437150Jill Odice February 19, 2016
Wonderful silhouette against that colorful sky! Nice! #11437167Thomas L Willis February 19, 2016
Thank you Leslie and Jill. #11437169Evy Johansen February 19, 2016
Love this one, Thomas!! Great silhouettes against beautiful colors!! #11437287Terry Cervi February 19, 2016
What a cool and very beautiful capture, Thomas!! #11437310Thomas L Willis February 20, 2016
Thank you Terry and Evy. #11437382Karen E. Gold February 23, 2016
What a awesome capture Thomas. I love the silhouette against the shades of oranges and the contrasting blue just sets it off. #11438229Thomas L Willis February 23, 2016
Thank you Karen. #11438239Cindy Bendush March 16, 2016
Wonderful color and line - gorgeous! #11447944Thomas L Willis March 17, 2016
Thanks Cindy #11448047Zelma Lias March 20, 2016
Tom, your vibrant colors take one's eye immediately, and the distinctive black lines of the subject are unusual. Super shot! #11449426Thomas L Willis March 20, 2016
Thanks Zelma. #11449458Usman M. Bajwa March 26, 2016
Very nicely excecuted shot with great colors and wonderful silhouette. Looks like a winner to me. Good luck. #11452040Thomas L Willis March 26, 2016
Thanks Usman #11452188Carol Eade March 28, 2016
Beautiful shot, Thomas. Love the silhouette and colors. Congratulations on your finalist. #11453092Thomas L Willis March 28, 2016
Thanks Carol #11453165Peggy Pfister March 28, 2016
Congrats on this awesome finalist! #11453281Paula Showen March 28, 2016
Congratulations on your beautiful Finalist!!! #11453337Thomas L Willis March 29, 2016
Thank you Peggy and Paula #11453536Thomas L Willis March 29, 2016
Thank you Peggy, Paula and Carol #11453537Kimber Wallwork-Heineman March 30, 2016
Beautiful!Thomas L Willis March 30, 2016
Thank you Kimber #11454049Terry Cervi April 01, 2016
Congrats on your very cool win, Tom! #11454943Karen E. Gold April 01, 2016
Congratulations on your win for this wonderful capture #11454950Zelma Lias April 01, 2016
Congratulations, Tom! This one-of-a-kind image was sure to be a winner! #11454954Patrick Rouzes April 01, 2016
Congrats on this well-deserved winner, Thomas! WTG!!! #11455015Peggy Pfister April 01, 2016
Another congrats, on the win! #11455278Thomas L Willis April 01, 2016
Thanks Terry, Karen, Zelma, Patrick, and Peggy. #11455460Joy Bello April 07, 2016
What a great silhouette shot! Congrats on your win!! #11458354Thomas L Willis April 07, 2016
Thank you Joy #11458385Rudi Reiner June 23, 2016
Congratulations on your double gold! #11487895Thomas L Willis June 24, 2016
Thank you, Rudi. #11487945Gayle Lucci July 08, 2016
Congratulations on winning the BIG ONE>>>Fitting for a stunning image! Gayle #11493469Zelma Lias July 08, 2016
Ah-ha! Congratulations on your ALL TIME winner!Thomas L Willis July 08, 2016
Thank you, Gayle and Zelma. #11493475Anita Bower October 15, 2016
I'm late to the party--love this. Fantastic colors and shapes. #11527114Thomas L Willis October 15, 2016
Thank you, Anita. #11527196Rosemary Sampson October 23, 2016
Extraordinary capture! Love the colors. #11529730Thomas L Willis October 23, 2016
Thank you, Rosemary. #11529752Janet Daniel October 28, 2016
Spectacular image, Thomas! #11531362Paula Showen October 28, 2016
Amazing capture!!! Love it! #11531363Thomas L Willis October 28, 2016
Thank you, Janet and Paula. #11531367Steve J. Schoolcraft April 04, 2017
Love the silhouette and rich colors #11579884Thomas L Willis April 04, 2017
Thank you, Steve. #11579890Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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