Copperhead Road [All Time Best Photography Contest Finalists]
Uploaded: October 03, 2015 13:12:01 | Entered: October 03, 2015 13:12:01
Exif: F Number: 10, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/30 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 640, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 28.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 70D
Jeff Robinson October 03, 2015
Outstanding - Great color, depth and Autumn capture! Makes me want to get the BMW out of the garage and drive this road! #1638997Joannie Bertucci October 03, 2015
I can't imagen why it's called Copper Road! :-) Stunning presentation Dayna and I love the rich autumn colors and the dabbled light on the road! #11381890Terry Cervi October 16, 2015
What a gorgeous autumn capture, Dayna!! #11386555Carla Capra Anderson October 17, 2015
Very lovely, Dayna. Love those autumn colors! #11386812Neal D. Hatcher October 21, 2015
Fantastic+Beautiful=Beautimus #11388624Val Feldman November 29, 2015
Another autumn beauty! Congrats on your wonderful Finalist, Dayna! #11405039Michele Peterson November 30, 2015
So pretty! Congratulations on the win, Dayna! #11405585JO ANN CLEVELAND November 30, 2015
Congrats on this outstanding 2nd Place Winner Dayna! #11405647Gail Sullivan November 30, 2015
So pretty...congrats, Dayna! #11405750Val Feldman November 30, 2015
:) :) :) Very happy to see Gold attached, KY Lady! So well deserved!! Warmest congrats!!! (Hope you wore some high, sturdy boots walking around a road called "Copperhead", Miz D!! :) :) #11405803Joannie Bertucci November 30, 2015
NOT surprised by this gold badge win Dayna! Congrats girl! :-) #11406236Randy D. Dinkins December 01, 2015
Congratulations Dayna. Great comp and treatment, colors really pop. Steve Earl live down this road? #11406272Ray December 01, 2015
Congratulations on your beautiful Gold Badge Winner, Dayna! #11406725Patti Coblentz March 22, 2016
Wow, this is gorgeous! Love your title, too! #11450019Irene Colling July 11, 2016
Beautiful landscape with wonderful color. Congratulations on your All Time Winner!! A fave for me. #11494721Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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