Rain On Honeysuckle [501393 Monthly Theme ]
Uploaded: September 30, 2015 05:58:05 | Entered: September 30, 2015 05:58:05
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 135.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 60D
Martha R. Mazon September 30, 2015
I just love the framing, not to mention the brilliant drops. Gorgeous! #1638704Kim Lund September 30, 2015
Lovely colors!Tammy M. Anderson September 30, 2015
Fantastic details and capture, Patrick. Great work. #11379660JO ANN CLEVELAND September 30, 2015
An outstanding beauty, a fave for me Patrick. Great presentation, love the colors and water drops!! #11379694John Connolly September 30, 2015
Fantastic detail and color Patrick! A wonderful theme image! #11379834Karen E. Gold September 30, 2015
Simply beautiful Patrick......well done. #11380002Mary K. Robison September 30, 2015
Lovely reflection capture, Patrick. Great colors and light. #11380082Debbie Bray September 30, 2015
Beautiful clarity, and colour, Paddy! I can see a great future for this image! :) #11380149Ujjwal Mukherjee October 02, 2015
Super details, colours and capture,Patrick!! #11381014Teresa Burnett October 02, 2015
Love the color and light, and the great framing, Patrick!! And those rain drops are superb!! I think we will see this one again!! #11381065Emile Abbott October 04, 2015
Exquisite details and great reflections in the drops. #11382156Lindley Johnson October 04, 2015
Love the water droplets, Patrick! #11382234Ellen Hodges October 04, 2015
Love the drops and reflections, Patrick!! #11382250Ron Livingston October 12, 2015
You have a wonderful artistic eye..... #11384903isabel C. Zepeda October 15, 2015
PatrickKaren E. Gold October 15, 2015
Congratulations on your SF. #11385924Nancy L. Green October 16, 2015
WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS on this and your other wonderful awards this month, WTG!! <>< #11386343John Connolly October 16, 2015
Congratulations on your SF and finalist awards Patrick! It looks like you scooped the pool this month! #11386354isabel C. Zepeda October 16, 2015
PatrickEllen Hodges October 16, 2015
Huge congrats and very best luck, Patrick!!! #11386370Joannie Bertucci October 16, 2015
So are you saying if you twist a vine rain water will come out? :-) Wonderful finalist Patrick! #11386492frank w. degenhardt October 17, 2015
What a fantastic month you have had Patrick. Congratulations on the Five Finalist and Two Staff Favorites. Gorgeous and creative looks my friend. #11386702Ujjwal Mukherjee October 17, 2015
Congratulations on your excellent finalist, Patrick!! #11386794Emile Abbott October 17, 2015
Congrats on Finalist Patrick. #11386856Tammy M. Anderson October 17, 2015
Beautiful finalist. Congrats!! #11386930Millie A. Talarico October 17, 2015
A beautiful Finalist, Patrick~ #11387092Teresa Burnett October 18, 2015
Congratulations on your Finalists and Staff Faves, Patrick!! I just knew this we would see this one again...and hope we see Gold on it very soon!! #11387297Deborah Lewinson October 18, 2015
Congrats on this beautiful and excellent finalist, Paddy! #11387323Rudi Reiner October 18, 2015
Congratulations, what a great macro shot! #11387389Val Feldman October 18, 2015
Yikes, Mr Paddy - what a fantastic month you've had...and all those shiny silver badges are so very well-deserved! Congratulations on all of them, my friend, you are indeed THE Macro King :)...and all the best of luck in the upcoming round! #11387451JO ANN CLEVELAND October 19, 2015
Awesome and well deserved recognized, congratulations! #11387810Jill Odice October 19, 2015
Against the Black BG, this really pops! Nice drops! #11387988Barbara Mason October 19, 2015
Congratulations on all your superb work being recognised by the judges for September Patrick. #11388034Ray October 19, 2015
Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Patrick! Best of luck in the next round. #11388074Nadia Paul October 30, 2015
Congrats in this and all your wonderful finalists my friend! #11393244Susan M. Hembree November 02, 2015
Nicely done, Patrick! Congrats, b'y! #11394589Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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