KOOKABURRA in the trees [Contest Pre Finalists January 2015]
Uploaded: January 24, 2015 01:13:07 | Entered: January 24, 2015 01:13:27
Exif: F Number: 13, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 250.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 60D
Mary K. Robison January 24, 2015
Beautiful colors and light, Avril. Great textures and overall clarity, too. #1604735Gord MacEachern January 24, 2015
Beautiful capture, and treatment here Avril!! #11230893
Jeff Robinson
January 24, 2015
Douglas Pignet January 24, 2015
kewl capture..As a kid my mum sang a song about the kookaburra....lol #11230904Tiia Vissak January 24, 2015
a cool capture! #11230937Joy Rector January 24, 2015
beautiful shot #11230956JO ANN CLEVELAND January 24, 2015
How perfect, great colors, comp and clarity Avril! #11231023Jeff Sielski January 24, 2015
Beautiful capture! #11231063John Connolly January 24, 2015
I love the dappled lighting in this fine wildlife shot Avril! He sure is a handsome bird! #11231196Robert R. Goodman January 24, 2015
Hi Avril,Never seen one that close up my friend.Beautiful capture,they are related to our Roadrunners! #11231302
Terry Cervi
January 24, 2015
Sheri Whala January 24, 2015
Such a cool capture! #11231418Bill Whala January 24, 2015
Wonderful image, Avril!! I love the pose and spotlight effect. #11231471
Teresa Burnett
January 24, 2015
Evy Johansen
January 24, 2015
Ellen Hodges January 28, 2015
Love the light and the awesome details, Avril! Remember the song, too, about the kookaburra in the old gum tree! Beautiful in every way!! #11233673Marilyn Cornwell January 31, 2015
Great contrast! #11235295Debbie Bray February 28, 2015
Another beauty, Avvy, you're on a roll this month, big congrats on your SF! #11255370
Teresa Burnett
February 28, 2015
Wm Nosal February 28, 2015
Cool Capture, Avril!Robert R. Goodman March 02, 2015
Hi Avril,Congratulations my friend! #11257944Mary K. Robison March 02, 2015
Congratulations on another well deserved finalist, Avril! #11258314Nadia Paul March 02, 2015
Congrats on your beautiful finalist! #11258606Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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