Howling Howler Monkeys [Contest Pre Finalists January 2015]
Uploaded: January 22, 2015 02:18:13 | Entered: January 22, 2015 02:19:57
Tammy M. Anderson
January 22, 2015
Liz blahh January 22, 2015
Great capture! #11229701
Ann Lyssenko
January 22, 2015
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer January 22, 2015
Thanks so much, Tammy, Liz and Ann. #11229727
Nancy L. Green
January 22, 2015
John Connolly January 22, 2015
What a great portrait of this pair Kiki! They are such fun animals! #11229902Michelle Alton January 22, 2015
Just out of this world, Kiki! #11230100Joy E. Cobb January 23, 2015
Great timing, Kirsten...would love to have sound with this fantastic capture. #11230210Kirsten Kiki Kjaer January 23, 2015
Thanks so much, guys. #11230299Robert R. Goodman January 24, 2015
Hi Kirsten,You have a winner.Awesome capture my friend! #11231317Sheri Whala January 24, 2015
What a fun shot! They made me smile! #11231423Bill Whala January 24, 2015
Great timing to capture this humorous behavior, Kiki!! #11231441Kirsten Kiki Kjaer January 26, 2015
Thanks so much, everybody.Ellen Hodges January 28, 2015
Wonderful timing and detail, Kiki! What were they singing? Fantastic!! #11233678Kirsten Kiki Kjaer January 30, 2015
Thanks so much, Ellen. I have no idea but the sounds they make are amazing. #11234802Mary K. Robison January 31, 2015
Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The party was YESTERDAY??!!?!Kirsten Kiki Kjaer February 03, 2015
Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and support, Mary. #11238818
Nancy L. Green
February 28, 2015
Mary K. Robison February 28, 2015
Congratulations on this amusing duo making Finalist, Kiki, and best of luck to you in the next round!Marijana Fajgl February 28, 2015
I love their expressions. Wonderful capture, Kirsten, congratulations! #11256150
Tammy M. Anderson
February 28, 2015
Laura E. Swan
February 28, 2015
Jeff Sielski March 01, 2015
Congratulations Kiki! #11256880John Connolly March 01, 2015
Congratulations on your finalist award Kiki! #11257354Robert R. Goodman March 02, 2015
Hi Kirsten,Congratulations my friend! #11257968JO ANN CLEVELAND March 03, 2015
Congrats on your many winners Kiki! And...they all are so well deserved girl! #11258772JO ANN CLEVELAND March 03, 2015
Congrats on your many winners Kiki! And...they all are so well deserved girl! #11258773
Teresa Burnett
March 03, 2015
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer March 04, 2015
Thanks so much, everyone. #11259501
Ann Coates
March 27, 2015
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer March 27, 2015
Thanks so much, Ann. #11272569Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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