Uploaded: January 12, 2015 07:59:46 | Entered: January 12, 2015 07:59:46
Exif: F Number: 1.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, ISO: 1600, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 45.00 mm, Model: E-PL1
Robert R. Goodman January 12, 2015
Hi Marijana,looks good in a tie my friend.Beautiful capture! #1603460Bojan Bencic January 12, 2015
Very sweet, Marijana. With a touch of class. :o) #11223508John Connolly January 12, 2015
What a well dressed cat Marijana! Lili is a beautiful animal! #11223595Theresa Marie Jones January 12, 2015
:-D So adorable, purrfect portrait! #11223658Bill Whala January 12, 2015
Excellent image, Marijana!! Such a handsome, well behaved boy. #11223880Chris Ebben January 13, 2015
Nothing like a well dressed bloke, I wonder what he was thinking! Great portrait=^..^= #11224487Patrick Rouzes January 16, 2015
Amazing tones, clarity, expression & close up, Marijana. Beautiful, my friend.Sheri Whala January 17, 2015
What an awesome shot! Love the tie! #11226258Emile Abbott January 18, 2015
Lili is all dressed up for his formal. I have been extremely busy with way too much flu and sickness in my Medical Practice so my comments have been rare of late. No end in site in Texas. #11226982Val Feldman January 21, 2015
He looks so distinguished - red's definitely his color, Marijana! :) Love the expression captured - he's patiently waiting for you to get over this silliness of yours so he can get back to important things - like, his nap! :) Thanks for the smile - wonderful capture, my friend! #11229253John Connolly February 28, 2015
Tammy M. Anderson February 28, 2015
wonderful capture and finalist. Congrats! Love the tie. #11256212Mary K. Robison February 28, 2015
Val's right, Marijana ~ Lili is barely able to contain himself, but is clearly a cat used to being humiliated! LOL!#11256288
Bojan Bencic March 01, 2015
Beautiful portrait, Marijana. Congratulations on your finalist! #11256969Robert R. Goodman March 02, 2015
Hi Marijana,Congratulations my friend! #11257969Emile Abbott March 02, 2015
So glad to see Lili with a finalist badge. Congratulations Marijana. Hope his allergies are better. #11258278Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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