Flowers In Dewdrops [Contest Pre Finalists October 2014]
Uploaded: October 20, 2014 03:04:31 | Entered: October 20, 2014 03:04:31
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS REBEL T3i
Tiia Vissak October 20, 2014
a cool macro! #1591636MELODIE C. ROBERTS October 20, 2014
Fabulous Colette!! #11163185Carolyn M. Fletcher October 20, 2014
Beautiful! #11163186Tammy M. Anderson October 20, 2014
Fantastic drop capture, Colette. #11163198Douglas Pignet October 20, 2014
another lovely flower & water drop capture well done #11163211R. J. Laudenbacher October 20, 2014
Fabulous capture and great reflection in the water drops, Colette. #11163232Lynn M. Whitt October 20, 2014
Beautiful macro with great color. #11163241Stephen Zacker October 20, 2014
Like the 3 of them and that Red #11163269Anita Hogue October 20, 2014
WOW, this is absolutely gorgeous, Colette! #11163291Ann H. Belus October 20, 2014
Awesome capture, Colette! #11163332Gail Sullivan October 20, 2014
I like the bold color and the pano crop, Colette! #11163357Teresa Burnett October 20, 2014
Beautiful macro, Colette!! Love the reflections in the drops!! #11163362Bojan Bencic October 20, 2014
Very nice, Colette. Love the colors. #11163373David Phalen October 20, 2014
Amazing comp, colors and details in another of your fabulous macros!! #11163420Joy Rector October 20, 2014
beautiful shot #11163432Val Feldman October 20, 2014
Bold, bright color and naturally, a beautifully executed dewdrop and reflection...but of course, you dewdrop Queen, you! :) :) #11163582Gord MacEachern October 20, 2014
Fantastic macro here Colette!! #11163597John Connolly October 20, 2014
Another brilliant macro capture Colette! The colors and detail are outstanding! #11163609Wm Nosal October 20, 2014
Cool Capture, Colette! #11163653Nancy L. Green October 20, 2014
GORGEOUS macro image Colette, WTG!!! <>< #11163700Leslie McLain October 20, 2014
Beautiful capture, colors, and dewdrops, Colette. #11163850JO ANN CLEVELAND October 20, 2014
Wowwwwww Colette! "Simply" beautiful! #11163851Evy Johansen October 20, 2014
Well captured, Colette! Lovely image! #11163868Sheri Whala October 20, 2014
Cool! #11163875Bill Whala October 20, 2014
Beautiful complementary colors, Colette!! #11163956Kathy Salerni October 20, 2014
An excellent dewdrop capture from you, Colette! Beautiful! #11163985Terry Cervi October 20, 2014
Eye-catching and beautiful, Colette!! #11164001Avril Young October 20, 2014
Perfect!!! too beautiful Colette.. #11164068Jill Odice October 21, 2014
AWesome detail Colette! #11164391Emile Abbott October 21, 2014
You do this so well Colette. Really stands out. #11164590Robert R. Goodman October 21, 2014
Hi Colette,Beautiful capture my friend!! #11164844Jeffrey R. Bange October 21, 2014
As always Colette another beautiful macro capture of the dewdrops. #11164983Marilyn K. Lincecum October 23, 2014
Beautiful color and DOF. #11166708Patrick Rouzes October 26, 2014
Beautiful colors, comp & macro, Colette. WTG, my fiend.Marijana Fajgl November 30, 2014
Big congratulations, Colette! #11197295Deborah Lewinson November 30, 2014
Congrats, Colette, on this beautiful finalist! #11197333Eivor Kuchta November 30, 2014
Congratulations on your finalist, Colette! #11197403Jeffrey R. Bange November 30, 2014
Congratulations Colette on your finalist photo and best of luck in the next round. #11197538Leslie McLain November 30, 2014
Congrats on a beautiful finalist, Colette. #11197682Patrick Rouzes November 30, 2014
Congrats on this amazing finalist, Colette. Good luck, my friend.Mary K. Robison December 01, 2014
Beautiful macro, Colette! Congrats on its making finalist. #11198277Robert R. Goodman December 01, 2014
Hi Colette,Congratulations my friend!! #11198809Emile Abbott December 01, 2014
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Colette. #11198862Cynthia j. Lesley December 24, 2014
Wonderful marco! Very nice #11212240Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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