Uploaded: August 06, 2014 02:50:33 | Entered: August 06, 2014 02:50:33
Carolyn M. Fletcher
August 06, 2014
Randy K. Baldwin August 06, 2014
Wonderful Color Colette! #11102747Mary K. Robison August 06, 2014
Beautiful capture, Colette! #11102775Joy Rector August 06, 2014 1
beautiful #11102788
Tammy M. Anderson
August 06, 2014
Debbie Bray August 06, 2014
A golden drop! How beautiful Colette, and captured to perfection, like always!! #11102834Stephen Zacker August 06, 2014
Fantastic dof and gold #11102858Donna R. Moratelli August 06, 2014
Winner #11102875Douglas Pignet August 06, 2014
simply beautiful #11102887
John Rivera
August 06, 2014
Bojan Bencic
August 06, 2014
Julianne Bradford August 06, 2014
You are the master of these lovely dewy captures Colette! #11102948
Patrick Rouzes
August 06, 2014
Nancy L. Green
August 06, 2014
Wm Nosal August 06, 2014
Beautiful, Colette! #11103072Karen Bacon August 06, 2014
A stunning macro Colette! #11103089Anita Hogue August 06, 2014
Gorgeous colors and capture, Colette! #11103126Anita Hogue August 06, 2014 1
Gorgeous colors and capture, Colette #11103127Anita Hogue August 06, 2014
Sorry, I commented twice. Getting used to the new format. I didn't think my comment sent. Just didn't scroll down far enough. #11103128Tiia Vissak August 06, 2014
a cool macro! #11103137Susan Weisensel August 06, 2014
Very Nice! #11103168Robert R. Goodman August 06, 2014
Hi Colette,Beautiful macro and color my friend.Always a favorite!!! #11103176
Martha R. Mazon
August 06, 2014
Deborah Lewinson
August 06, 2014
Rudi Reiner
August 06, 2014
Nadia Paul August 06, 2014
Very beautiful Colette! #11103301Ujjwal Mukherjee August 06, 2014
Wow! Superb capture,Colette!! #11103326Avril Young August 06, 2014
too beautiful Colette, your waterdrops are always awesome.. #11103333Jyri Vissak August 07, 2014
Another beautiful macro! #11103401Jean-Pierre Ducondi August 07, 2014
GORGEOUS. Well done Colette.
Val Feldman
August 07, 2014
Emile Abbott
August 07, 2014
Denny E. Barnes
August 07, 2014
Sheri Whala August 07, 2014
Love the colors! Very cool! #11103868
Teresa Burnett
August 07, 2014
John Connolly August 12, 2014
Fantastic light and great color Colette! Nice work! #11106667Phillip R. Connolly August 18, 2014
A great capture here, Colette! Love the lenses formed by the dew droplets!! Well done. #11110704
Marilyn K. Lincecum
August 23, 2014
LeAnn Wood August 27, 2014
Superb use of focal points and color, Colette! #11117975Marijana Fajgl September 21, 2014
Big congratulations, Colette! #11139149
Val Feldman
September 21, 2014
Bill Whala September 21, 2014
Congratulations on your beautiful Finalist, Colette!! #11139504
Emile Abbott
September 21, 2014
Deborah Lewinson
September 21, 2014
Ellen Hodges September 21, 2014
Huge congrats and very best luck on a gorgeous finalists and all your very, very pretty, finalists, Colette!!! #11140000Sheri Whala September 21, 2014
Congratulations on your finalist! #11140104Robert R. Goodman September 21, 2014
Hi Colette,A big Congratulations my friend!!! #11140348Eivor Kuchta September 22, 2014
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Colette! Good luck in the next round! #11140799Wm Nosal September 22, 2014
Congratulations, Colette! #11140966Karen Bacon September 23, 2014
Congratulations,on all of your beautiful finalists! #11141541JO ANN CLEVELAND September 23, 2014
I've lost count but ALL were well deserved Colette! Congrats! #11141979
Marilyn K. Lincecum
September 23, 2014
Rudi Reiner
September 27, 2014
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