Purple Rain

Uploaded: May 22, 2014 02:45:23 | Entered: March 19, 2016 03:20:24


Discovery Gardens - Dallas Texas (MT)

Canon 100-400L IS at 400mm. ISO 250, Mid-Day, 1/800 @ f8.0, EC 0

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 250, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 400.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 50D


Douglas Pignet May 22, 2014

very nice capture and great pov...very nicely done #1573832

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe May 22, 2014

Great title, details and comp. Beautiful capture, Jeff. #11049897

Colette M. Metcalf May 22, 2014

So pretty, Jeff!!! #11049918

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic May 22, 2014

Perfect title for this excellent, MT entry, Jeff. #11049968

Gail Sullivan level-classic May 22, 2014

Love the toning and contrasts here, Jeff! #11049997

Tiia Vissak May 22, 2014

a wonderful macro! #11050007

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 22, 2014

Lovely!! #11050043

Monnie Ryan May 22, 2014

Terrific capture, perfect title! #11050054

David Phalen May 22, 2014

Terrific light, capture and title!! #11050107

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic May 22, 2014

Fantastic entry to the MT Jeff!,
Amalia #11050187

Randy K. Baldwin May 22, 2014

Great Image Jeff! #11050227

Anita Hogue May 22, 2014

A beautiful monthly theme entry, Jeff! Love the purple! #11050261

Katherine Kuhn May 22, 2014

Striking, Jeff! Beautiful composition, light, detail & the purple of the flower just pulls it all together! #11050264

Ermanno Radice May 22, 2014

Excellent composition, wonderful MT entry! #11050311

Renata Gusciora May 22, 2014

What a wonderful image, Jeff! Love the feel to it! Beautiful! #11050315

Tammy Espino May 22, 2014

Outstanding capture!:) #11050320

Terry Cervi level-deluxe May 22, 2014

A fantastic MT entry, Jeff!! #11050368

Jeffrey R. Bange May 22, 2014

Perfect entry for the MT Jeff, love the title. #11050398

Robert K. Bemus level-classic May 23, 2014

Well seen find and capture, Jeff! #11050442

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 23, 2014

Thanks Everyone! Jeff #11050467

Linda M. Walker May 23, 2014

Excellent work, Jeff! #11050567

Stephen Zacker May 23, 2014

A Fav, this is awesome #11050594


Very unique Jeff, love it!

jo ann c. #11050681

John Connolly May 23, 2014

A striking capture and presentation Jeff! What a great theme image! #11050795

Carol L. Fowler May 23, 2014

Beautiful little flower and a great background #11050961

Evy Johansen level-classic May 23, 2014

Wonderful image, Jeff!! #11051047

Debbie Bray May 23, 2014

A very original image, Jeff, the background really enhances the little flower. #11051094

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 24, 2014

Thank You! Jeff #11051169

Jill Odice level-classic May 24, 2014

Now that song will be in my head for hours :-) Good thing I love it ! I like how you chose to just focus on the one little flower #11051508

Marijana Fajgl May 24, 2014

Great title and capture, Jeff! #11051574

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 25, 2014

Thank You! #11051852

Linda S. Smith level-classic May 30, 2014

Beautiful capture Jeff! Great title! #11056278

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 01, 2014

Thanks Linda! Jeff #11057491

Emile Abbott level-classic April 30, 2016

Congrats again Jeff on another outstanding finalist. #11467927

Ray level-classic May 01, 2016

Congratulations on your wonderful Finalist, Jeff! #11468929

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 03, 2016

Thank You Doc and Ray! #11469897

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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