What Would You Do - Round 1

© Jeff E Jensen

What Would You Do - Round 1

Uploaded: February 09, 2014


Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/400 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 47.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Jeff E Jensen February 09, 2014

Here you go, this is the first WWYD image. I think it has some good potential, but there are some good challenges to overcome. Good luck, I can't wait to see what y'all come up with.

If anyone else wants to participate, let me know and I'll email you a full sized jpeg file.

For those participating, please post your results to the comments for this image. #1562941

Debbie E. Payne February 09, 2014

Had time to do a bit with this photo. Did the obvious straightening of the horizon and bringing up some of the shadows in the trees. I used Content Aware to get rid of the power poles and then had to clone a top back on the left-hand tree. Then I did two white to transparent gradients, one on the top, one on the bottom and used a few highlight/shadow points in the image. The sky was still too stark, I brightened it just a tad and then decided to apply some fog to it. All the negative space of the sky either demanded a severe crop or an area for text so I found this Steinbeck quote and finished with a frame from Color Efex. #10971880

Debbie E. Payne February 09, 2014

Oops -- the thin white border that I had around this is lost on the white background so just use your imagination as if it was there. Technically, it IS there; you just can''t see it. Makes me long for spring and summer. Good image to work with. #10971884

Susan Williams February 10, 2014

I really like Debbie's artistic approach and love the added quote.

I straightened the horizon, denoised, and blurred the blotchy sky. I then flipped it horizontally (to put the heavy tree on the left and have the road curving right at the end). Used Topaz Restyle to add color and then adjusted shadows and dodged some areas of the snow and the road. Applied a High Pass at 1.2 pixels. A 4x6 still seemed sky-heavy so I cropped to 3x5. As Debbie said, this is a great image to work with. #10972077

Beth Spencer February 10, 2014

I did a bit different than Debbie and Susan's. I like both of their images. I think the quote and edits with Debbie's image works very well.
The colors are beautiful in Susan's and the flip works well.
I opened it as a raw file and did some adjustments there, then did some stuff in viveza and used tonal contrast filter in Nik Color effex pro 4.
I think it is so interesting to see how everyone does something different! #10972204

Dale Hardin February 10, 2014

I love all the samples so far. It's fascinating to see the different viewpoints on an image.

My take is a bit different. Having just returned from a stormy area, I was inclined to create that effect for this image.

I added a sky and masked main scene, added a warming filter, used levels to reduce the dull look of the snow, and then added sun rays and blurred same. Finally applied multiply blend to the resulting image. #10972307

Jeff E Jensen February 10, 2014

This is a lot of fun! Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. #10972328

Kalena Randall February 10, 2014

Get ideas coming up here. I'm still working mine. #10972400

Kalena Randall February 10, 2014

Man, I can't type! My previous post was supposed to say:

"Great ideas.....

Rita K. Connell level-classic February 11, 2014

I love this exercise it makes you think a little outside the box. I love what every one has done. I didn't look until I was finish with mine.
Debbie I love the soft tone you brought to it and words are perfect.
Susan I love the horizon flip and the color change. Wow what a different feel. Beth I did exactly what you did and decided it needed more and decided to be adventurous and change the sky.
Dale you get a double wow with the sun-rays.
for mine I start out in viveza and used tonal contrast filter in Nik Color effex pro 4. and decided it needed a new sky. #10973321

Elaine Hessler February 11, 2014

Ok, I just looked at everyone's and feel like my edit is lacking, but here it is anyways. And thanks everyone for posting what you did-I can't believe all that you can do!

I did the usual levels adjustment, high pass filter, straightened, and cropped. The crop is not standard-I wanted a more horizontal crop to keep those hay bales in and get rid of a little bit of the sky. I also added a "fog" filter in the Nik plug-in. Oh, and I desaturated a bit. I tried the BW in Silver Effex, but it didn't look right with the fog-it took the fog away. #10973461

Dale Hardin February 11, 2014

I like your approach Elaine. Try putting a stroke (border) on it to see how you like it. #10973490

Jeff E Jensen February 11, 2014

Wow, some really fantastic work here. Very cool!

Here's my version. Not really sure what all I did to this, just kept adding and removing layers until I got to what I liked. #10973724

Anthony L. Mancuso February 12, 2014

These are all very cool....I managed to catch Dale out on one of his roadtrips in mine... #10973937

Dale Hardin February 12, 2014

Love it, Tony. Superb job all around. Wish I'd had a heater in that car. #10974043

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Tony, I love the old Car. Way cool!

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Here's my submission.

Jeff, I clicked my boots together and ended up in Kansas on some old snowy dirt road!

I used LR5, CS6, and NIK Color Efx. This is my first CS6 work and I just couldn't get the tail right. I'll have to keep playing with it.

This was fun to do! Thanks, Jeff! #10974091

Dale Hardin February 12, 2014

Excellent idea and execution, Kalena. Don't forget to add just a bit of shadow to complete the illusion. #10974102

Susan Williams February 12, 2014

Wow, this is such a fun exercise and a great learning experience. I am so impressed with the different takes on this image, and it's a perfect one for a composite! What a creative group! I couldn't choose a favorite - I like them all. #10974107

Anthony L. Mancuso February 12, 2014

Nice job Kalena...the horse and rider look like they were there when the photo was taken except for the shadow Dale mentioned...

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite too...it's amazing the variety we got out of the same image.. #10974115

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Thank you every one. I'm still learning CS6. This was the first time. #10974120

Rita K. Connell level-classic February 12, 2014

darn-it I didn't think about adding a horse or a car.... both are awesome. I really love what everyone has done.
this was alot fun and I agree hard to pick a favorite. #10974141

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

I redid and added the shadow. I think I got this somewhat right. CS6 has a big learning curve. Whew! #10974143

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Had to reload. Didn't work the first time.

BTW, the horse and rider is me and my buddy Chaz. My husband took a bunch of photos for me last night in the cold so that I could make this one. :-) #10974145

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Maybe the 3rd time is a charm! #10974147

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Nope - third time not a charm! Maybe the fourth! #10974148

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Nope - third time not a charm! Maybe the fourth! #10974149

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Nope - third time not a charm! Maybe the fourth! #10974150

Jeff E Jensen February 12, 2014

These are all so well done! I'm going to have to start sending my images to y'all to edit. #10974172

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

Too funny, Jeff!

Kristin Duff February 12, 2014

I would push it into nostalgia #10974188

Elaine Hessler February 12, 2014

Wow-I am so impressed with all of these! I do like this exercise. It is really fun to see what everyone does with the image and how different our tastes (and skills-ha ha) are.

Here's mine with the boarder Dale suggested. #10974275

Kalena Randall February 12, 2014

I like it, Elaine. The border added a nice finishng touch! :-) #10974284

Elaine Hessler February 12, 2014

Thanks Kalena! It's nice to see your face! #10974296

Rita K. Connell level-classic February 12, 2014

great stuff Elaine and Kristin, Kalena way to go.... #10974322

Peter W. Marks February 15, 2014

All of these are great; could never have imagined just how different they could look with all you guys' creative spirits.
I promise I will get around to doing something too. There has been too much medical stuff going on here. #10976186

Peter W. Marks February 18, 2014

But just to show willing here is a simple composite made from a Corsair aircraft that sits on a concrete pedestal in one of our local parks.
Hope these didn't scare your horse Kalena! #10978704

Susan Williams February 18, 2014

Great idea, Peter! You did a great job on it, too! #10978829

Dale Hardin February 18, 2014

Peter, sincerely pray your medical issues become non-existent and that all is well soon. In the meantime, thanks for taking part with your very original idea. I like it. #10978889

Rita K. Connell level-classic February 18, 2014

wooohoo Pete well done. #10978899

Teresa H. Hunt February 19, 2014

Wow! These are all amazing. I love the different takes on Jeff's image.

I really wanted to participate but I never even got around to opening Jeff's email. And now the group is moving onto the next image. Sigh. I sure am hoping after I'm done with school I won't be so overwhelmed. #10979921

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