Miss? I Don't Think So! [Contest Pre Finalists September 2013]
Uploaded: September 18, 2013 02:51:23
This is part of my neighbor's sign for his transmission repair business. Somebody took exception to it, I guess.
Colette M. Metcalf September 18, 2013
lol Love it:0) #1544927
R. J. Laudenbacher
September 18, 2013
Neal D. Hatcher September 18, 2013
Super capture-Seems whats missing is cranial matter in the person who shot the sign #10847756
Carolyn M. Fletcher
September 18, 2013
William C. Raco
September 18, 2013
Paul E. Earl September 18, 2013
Low intelligence can only hit things that are large and don't move to fast.Donna R. Moratelli October 20, 2013
Oaklahoma looks like Arizona. Bullet hole everywhere. I really like this and like the title tooTammy Espino October 31, 2013
Congrats on getting staff favorite!! :) #10885063Tammy Espino October 31, 2013
congrats on going silver!!:) #10885606
Patrick Rouzes
October 31, 2013
October 31, 2013
Peggy Pfister
October 31, 2013
Marilyn Cornwell November 01, 2013
Congratulations! #10886528JO ANN CLEVELAND November 04, 2013
Wowwww...what a wonderful finalist, congratulations Carolyn! Wonder if they shot the business owner? :-(jo ann c. #10890479
Merna L. Nobile November 29, 2013
CONGRATULATIONS! It’s great to know you have something new to smile about and a special reason to be proud.
Neal D. Hatcher November 29, 2013
CONGRATULATIONS #10909599Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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