"UUH" said bearce [69365 Digital Darkroom]
Uploaded: August 30, 2012 19:15:34
Thank you Stefvanie Martha for act jakarta indonesia
Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 80.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Tiia Vissak August 31, 2012
beautifully done! #1483740frank w. degenhardt September 02, 2012
Amazing creativity my friend. I love the eye looking at the girl with her teddybear and the butterfly. To me its a keeping an eye on innocence message. Beautiful work my friend. #10305225Hendrik Storme September 03, 2012
Just gorgeous!!! #10306945John Connolly September 03, 2012
Another fine creation Yulianto! You do these images so well, your darkroom finesse is second to none! #10307055Michelle Alton September 24, 2012
Congratulations on this great finalist, Julianto. I think it's a GOLD winner! #10335626
Bojan Bencic
September 24, 2012
Emile Abbott
September 24, 2012
Lorna Shutter September 24, 2012
So beautifully executed, Yulianto!!! Love the colours!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your well-deserved Finalist Award!!!!! WTG!!! :)Marijana Fajgl September 24, 2012
Big congratulations on your magic finalist, Yulianto! #10336129JO ANN CLEVELAND September 24, 2012
Congrats on this awesome finalist Yulianto! You are the king of digital art!jo ann c. #10336160
Tammy Espino September 24, 2012
Congrats Yulianto!! Winner!! :) #10336316
Stefania Barbier
September 24, 2012
Robert R. Goodman September 24, 2012
Big Congratulations on your beautiful finalist,Yulianto!!! #10336927
Tammy M. Anderson
September 24, 2012
Renee Doyle September 24, 2012
Beautiful! Congratulations Yulianto! #10338994
Patrick Rouzes
September 25, 2012
Yulianto Soeroso September 25, 2012
wowo surprised thank you all Michelle A haha thank you for support oh regard to Elly ; Bojan B;Emile A.; Lorna S.thank tou for dancing for me I always appreciate it haha ;Marijana F.JO ANN C.;Tammy E.;Stefania B. thank for support every photos ; Bobby G.;Tammy A. thank you tammy ;Renee D.;Patrick R.yes for thank you support and Stefvanie Martha and Eva Norita for good make up and my little girl Kirana for your Teddy bear hahaha ..and all BP team ..iam happy today as always hahaha #10341502Yulianto Soeroso September 27, 2012
thanks Stefvanie you enjoy it really? #10344344Merna L. Nobile October 05, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
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