Uploaded: August 21, 2012 08:06:09
Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/400 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D
Stefania Barbier
August 21, 2012
Jeff Robinson
August 21, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
August 21, 2012
Tiia Vissak August 21, 2012
very beautiful! #10284232Jack Gaskin August 21, 2012
OUTSTANDING WORK HERE . Have no idea how you got this look but it's a stunner very Creative .Jack
BTW a Friend mentioned an African Safari and you pop into my head immediately.
Happy Shooting #10284428
Rony Sagy August 21, 2012
Terrific capture, Ujj. #10284538Mary K. Robison August 21, 2012
Superb macro with extraordinary selective focus, Ujjwal! Love how the pastel pink looks so good with the rich red background. #10284653Ujjwal Mukherjee August 21, 2012
Thank you, all !
Patrick Rouzes
August 27, 2012
Patrick Rouzes
September 24, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
September 24, 2012
Stefania Barbier
September 24, 2012
Ann Coates
September 24, 2012
Mary K. Robison September 25, 2012
Congratulations on this lovely Finalist, Ujjwal, and best of luck next level!JO ANN CLEVELAND September 25, 2012
Ohhhh how beautiful! Congratulations on this awesome finalist Ujjwaljo ann c. #10340694
Val Feldman
October 02, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
October 02, 2012
Val Feldman
October 02, 2012
Bojan Bencic
October 02, 2012
Stefania Barbier
October 02, 2012
JudyAnn Rector
October 02, 2012
Ann Coates
October 02, 2012
Michelle Alton October 02, 2012
Gorgeous, eye-popping image, Ujjwal! Congratulations on its win! #10351922Mary K. Robison October 02, 2012
CONGRATULATIONS on your lovely and well earned Gold Winner, Ujjwal! #10352392Jack Gaskin October 02, 2012
Congrats on the GOLD well doneJack #10352419
Renee Doyle October 02, 2012
Congratulations on this beautiful winner Ujjwal!!! #10352556Tarun Bose October 03, 2012
Big congrats for your winner, Ujjwal. #10352604JO ANN CLEVELAND October 03, 2012
So pleased to see this beauty receive the Gold Award Ujjwal!jo ann c. #10353207
Carol Flisak
October 03, 2012
Usman M. Bajwa
October 08, 2012
UB. #10360113
Lydia Williams
October 12, 2012
Merna L. Nobile October 13, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna #10367820Alexandra Hankova March 01, 2013
Amazing DOF...so very pretty picture. :-) Belated congratulations! :-) #10592191Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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