Flower Droplets [Details & Macro ]
Uploaded: August 14, 2012 18:49:44
Canon 7d, Canon 2.8macro IS, f/11, ISO 100, 1/4 sec
Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/4 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Deb. Hayes Zimmerman
August 14, 2012
Beth Spencer August 15, 2012
Thank you! I changed the title, I had been working on it. The set up is to put the flower below a clean sheet of glass that was treated with rainx and spray with water. Then focus straight down until you get what you like. I used a macro lens and tripod. #10277607Arthur Bohlmann August 21, 2012
Nice work Beth #10283986Carla Capra Anderson August 21, 2012
Awesome, Beth!! #10284008
Christine Lobsinger
August 21, 2012
Patrick Rouzes
September 24, 2012
Arthur Bohlmann September 24, 2012
Way To Go!! Congratz! #10336105
Randy D. Dinkins
September 24, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND September 24, 2012
Congratulaionss on this fantastic macrojo ann c #10337908
Carla Capra Anderson September 24, 2012
Congratulations, Beth!!Anthony L. Mancuso September 24, 2012
Congrats Beth!
Christine Lobsinger
September 25, 2012
Michael Kelly
September 25, 2012
Aimee C. Eisaman September 26, 2012
Congrats Beth...what a wonderful phinalist! :~) #10342661Carla Capra Anderson October 02, 2012
Whew Whoo, lets get the happy dance going! Love the golden glow! Congratulations. #10351354
Michael Kelly
October 02, 2012
Jeff E Jensen October 02, 2012
Congrats, Beth! Well deserved. #10352270
Christine Lobsinger
October 02, 2012
Beth Spencer October 02, 2012
Thanks everyone! #10352332Mary K. Robison October 02, 2012
Outstanding work, Beth!JO ANN CLEVELAND October 03, 2012
So pleased to see this well desevered beauty receive the Gold Award Beth!Aimee C. Eisaman October 03, 2012
Awesome win Beth!!! Congrats! :~) #10353273
Carol Flisak
October 03, 2012
Patrick Rouzes
October 09, 2012
Lydia Williams
October 16, 2012
Merna L. Nobile October 18, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna #10375333Beth Spencer October 25, 2012
Thank you very much! #10383191David M. Montero October 28, 2012
I've tried this several times but none have been anywhere near the perfection of this one. A belated congratulations on your win for this marvelous capture Beth!!! #10388330Beth Spencer October 28, 2012
Thanks, it just takes rainx and lots of patience and pictures! #10388560Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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