This Little Light of Mine [Digital Darkroom]
Uploaded: August 08, 2012 03:13:13
f/5, 1/20 sec, ISO-500, 36mm focal length, 28-300mm lens, Effects in PS
Thomas Alva Edison worked tirelessly to develop the electric filament light bulb. He never viewed any of his designs that did not work as failures but only as something else he learned from. He was quoted as saying “We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb”. This picture was taken in his lab which is now found in Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan. Henry Ford thought so much of Edison that he moved Edison's entire lab to the Village and had Edison come for the dedication. The chair you see in this scene is the chair that Edison sat in during the dedication and has since then been nailed to the floor so it would remain in the very place Edison left it sitting.
Of course I added my special touches as a tribute to Edison's invention.....light!
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/20 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 500, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 36.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3S
Linda D. Lester August 08, 2012
Excellent lighting as always! Beautiful! #1479313Jack Gaskin August 08, 2012
GREAT View of a great mans work place . Your work AMAZING AS ALWAYS ;o)My wife would look to move that chair to an appropriate location nails or not !!!
JAck #10267228
Jeff Robinson August 08, 2012
Outstanding capture Becky - Great info too!! #10267229Tammy M. Anderson August 08, 2012
Beautiful treatmemt and tones. #10267233Anita Hogue August 08, 2012
Awesome capture! As always perfect lighting!Gord MacEachern August 08, 2012
Gorgeous rich lighting and tones Becky, loved the info also!! #10267358Susan Williams August 08, 2012
Another perfect offering of skill, talent and creativity. Awesome image, and a great tribute to Thomas Edison. #10267371John Rivera August 08, 2012
Simply outstanding work Becky!Robert R. Goodman August 08, 2012
Hi RJ,beautiful work as always my friend.Wonderful image!!! #10267400Dayna Cain August 08, 2012
This is such an incredible image. Excellent! #10267453Mary Beth Aiello August 08, 2012
THe lighting, the mood, the details, the outstanding DD work. It's all there, Becky. Simply outstanding. Can't wait to see more.I think I'd try to move that chair too. #10267472
Michelle Alton August 08, 2012
Beautiful work, as always, Becky. Gosh...I thought his lab was in Menlo Park, New Jersey! There's a museum there for sure! #10267502Lynn M. Whitt August 08, 2012
This is great, I love it. #10267611Rony Sagy August 08, 2012
Terrific capture here. #10267766Terry Cervi August 08, 2012
What fantastic detail in this beautiful shot, Doris! I'd sure love to visit this place someday! #10268175Karen Celella August 09, 2012
and your "special little touches" are as exciting as light! Fabulous, Becky! #10268998David M. Montero August 17, 2012
Mr. Edison would have very pleased with your captures Becky! As I am always! #10280229Bill Currier September 24, 2012
Great processing Becky! Wonderful look and feel. Best wishes in the next round! #10335569Priscilla J. Burgers September 24, 2012
Wonderful composition, tones and lighting, Becky. I love it! #10335724Bojan Bencic September 24, 2012
Fantastic image, R.J. Congratulations on your finalist. #10335811Tammy M. Anderson September 24, 2012
Congrats on a great finalist, Becky. #10336123Nikki McDonald September 24, 2012
Just beautiful, Becky, and a fascinating description. Congratulations on the finalist and good luck in the next round. #10336328JO ANN CLEVELAND September 24, 2012
Congrats on this awesome finalist Becky, the effects are beautiful for this image!jo ann c. #10336332
Stefania Barbier September 24, 2012
beautiful... congratulations!!! #10336653Terry Cervi September 24, 2012
A fabulous finalist, Doris!! Congrats! #10336716Robert R. Goodman September 24, 2012
Big Congratulations on your beautiful finalist,RJ!!!! #10337115Danny B. Head September 24, 2012
Another low light beauty! Congrats! #10337638Pat Abbott September 24, 2012
Love the treatment. Beautiful work! Congrats! #10337841Carol Flisak September 24, 2012
Beautiful image and effects, Becky! Big congrats on your terrific finalist! #10337897Kimber Wallwork-Heineman September 24, 2012
Fantastic work - you are amazing! #10337926Phyllis H. Burchett September 24, 2012
Congrats on this wonderful finalist! #10338782Renee Doyle September 24, 2012
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Becky!! #10339076Lydia Williams September 25, 2012
This is a great image....thank you for bringing back memories of my childhood and visiting Greenfield Village..Spectacular work, Becky! congratulations! #10340569Dayna Cain September 25, 2012
This finalist selection comes as no surprise to me. It's stunning! Next stop...GOLD!!!! #10340582Chris Budny September 25, 2012
As always, beautiful work with atmospheric light... congratulations! #10341250R. J. Laudenbacher September 25, 2012
Thank you all so much for all of your wonderful comments. They are always much appreciated. #10341531Mary Beth Aiello September 27, 2012
Huge congrats on another gorgeous finalist, Becky. #10343740Rona L. Schwarz September 27, 2012
Just getting around to the Finalists now...This is stunning, the light is out of this world gorgeous, Becky! Probably my favorite of your three finalists. Super Congratulations! #10343798frank w. degenhardt September 28, 2012
I love history and these are the places I enjoy visiting. Loved the story behind the picture and the fascinating read. The picture is beautiful, you did such great work with the lighting.Nadia Paul September 28, 2012
Congrats on your beautiful finalist RJ! #10345868David M. Montero September 30, 2012
So happy to see this Becky! You can almost sense Thomas coming through the door. Congratulations!!! #10347922Chris Budny October 02, 2012
Congratulations, RJ! #10350443Carolyn M. Fletcher October 02, 2012
Congrats!!!Love it! #10350536Anita Hogue October 02, 2012
Congratulations on this stunning winner, Becky! I love it too! #10350550Robert R. Goodman October 02, 2012
Hi RJ,big congratulations my friend!!!! #10350587Kathryn Wesserling October 02, 2012
What a wonderful picture of a familiar place to me, Becky. Congratulations for your Win.And the next time you're in my neighborhood, let me know! Gosh, I would have loved to watch you in action. #10350685
Val Feldman October 02, 2012
Ms. Light one does it like you!!! Huge and warmest congrats on a superb Gold Win! #10350697Tammy M. Anderson October 02, 2012
Congrats on a great winner, Becky. #10350752Mitch Spence October 02, 2012
Astounding and extraordinarily beautiful work here, R.J. Congratulations. #10350766Bojan Bencic October 02, 2012
Fantastic image, R.J. Congratulations on your win! #10350928Stefania Barbier October 02, 2012
GORGEOUS winner Becky, congratulations!!! #10350935Dayna Cain October 02, 2012
This is such an amazing image, so beautifully done! Congrats on your win! #10351057Terry Cervi October 02, 2012
WTG, Doris! Huge congrats on your beautiful win!! :) #10351100Mariann Kovats October 02, 2012
Beautiful Winner, Becky!Congratulations! #10351132Priscilla J. Burgers October 02, 2012
Congratulations, Becky. Fantastic image! #10351227Danny B. Head October 02, 2012
A beautiful winner, Becky! Love the low light..... Congrats !!!!! :) #10351235JudyAnn Rector October 02, 2012
Wonderful image, R.J... Congratulations! #10351464Renee Doyle October 02, 2012
BIG congratulations to you Becky on this outstanding winner!! #10351556Linda D. Lester October 02, 2012
Congratulations on your awesome win! #10351668Kathy Salerni October 02, 2012
Big congrats on your Gold Winner, RJ! #10351867Michelle Alton October 02, 2012
Beautiful win, Becky. Congratulations! #10351911Claudia Kuhn October 02, 2012
Wonderful work Becky, congratulations on your winner! #10351929Amy M. Wilson October 02, 2012
Fabulous work... big congratulations on your excellent Gold winner, Becky!!! #10351942JO ANN CLEVELAND October 02, 2012
I'm not a bit surprised we see this again in Gold, big congratulations Becky!
jo ann c. #10352064
Ken Smith October 02, 2012
Love the mood in this, Becky. Congrats on the gold! #10352189Phyllis H. Burchett October 02, 2012
BIG congrats Becky on this fabulous winner!!! #10352279Susan Williams October 02, 2012
Congratulations, Becky. Richly deserved on this fabulous image! #10352339Rona L. Schwarz October 02, 2012
Not surprised to see this one with GOLD, Becky, but I am so happy for you anyway! A real favorite! To the Queen of Light, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! #10352470Nancy Marie Ricketts October 02, 2012
Congratulations, Becky, on this GOLD winner. Your light, color and mood always gives me that "warm and fuzzy feeling. #10352485Carol Flisak October 03, 2012
Huge congrats on your beautiful winner, Becky! #10353094Lydia Williams October 03, 2012
Awesome winning gold image, Becky..Congratulatins! #10353438Patrick Rouzes October 04, 2012
CONGRATS on this amazing winner, RJ!Merna L. Nobile October 05, 2012
I heard the good news…and could not be happier for you! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
Gail Sullivan October 06, 2012
Becky...congrats on your win with this fantastic image! #10357719Mary Beth Aiello October 06, 2012
No surprise here, Becky. Outstanding work, as always. Huge congrats on this gorgeous Gold. #10358316Mary Timman October 18, 2012
I sure can see how you became a winner on this one! So neat and wonderful work. Thomas Edison's birthplace is about 5 min from us..Milan, Ohio. We were just there this last week but didn't get the chance to go inside all the buildings...hopeing we can soon, I want to try some shots like you have in your gallery, that's when I'll need your classes!!!! #10374918David M. Montero October 27, 2012
YES! A belated congratulations on your win for this marvelous capture Becky! #10387006Susan M. Bill April 26, 2016
Breathtaking art in photography! Congratulations! #11466390Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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