Yellow Sun [Middle East Photography]
Uploaded: May 29, 2012 18:33:58
A lone pelican in flight during a beautiful Pacific sunset starring a bright yellow sun… and I was singing, “I got a peaceful, easy feeling….”
Quote of the Day: “As usual I finish the day before the sea, sumptuous this evening beneath the moon, which writes Arab symbols with phosphorescent streaks on the slow swells. There is no end to the sky and the waters. How well they accompany sadness!” ~Albert Camus
Nikon D700, 50 – 500 mm Sigma APO/DG/HSM, f/4.0 – 6.3 Zoom @ 500 mm. f/9, 1/320 second exposure. ISO 200 (5/6/2012, 8:21 PM. Port Orford, Oregon, USA.)
Exif: F Number: 9, ExposureTime: 100/31999 seconds, ISO: 200, FocalLength: 500.00 mm, Model: NIKON D700
Dana Cullen May 29, 2012
LOVE THIS!!! I love sunsets and sunrise and the birds as well....capturing the birds at just the right moment is so amazing :) I love when I get that great shot, by accident haha! Great it #1466036Tarun Bose June 19, 2012
Congrats Randall for your finalist image. #10190051Merna L. Nobile June 20, 2012
Do what you love, and it will make your soul rich. CONGRATULATIONS, for being an award winner for the month of May, 2012. Merna #10191945Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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