© Michelle Alton


Uploaded: April 21, 2012 03:40:00


This is a pollen bud on a very mature Norway Spruce at the top of our driveway. The bud cones first appear in early Spring (depending on conditions during Autumn and Winter) as a beautiful little red cone about a half inch long, "frosted" with white pollen.
It quickly begins to elongate as the pollen icing thickens. If you brush against the branch or flick the bud gently with your finger, a cloud of white pollen is released (if anyone is wondering why the Spring allergy season is so intense this year in SE Pennsylvania.)
The bud then turns yellowish brown, after which a beautiful bunch of new light green needles appears and grows rapidly. I read in a book about foraging that the new clump of needles is a healthy and delicious delicacy. I've tasted many, and the jury is still out on "delicious." But if you see such a clump (much lighter in color than the older needles)--break it off and pop it into your mouth!

Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 63.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic April 21, 2012

No thanks, I'll leave the cone eating to you. Interesting info, and a cool shot! #1457876

Michelle Alton April 21, 2012

Karen E. Michaels

member since: 8/24/2004

Great burst. The red pops and you have such clarity, Michelle.
4/21/2012 3:43:05 AM

Jeff Robinson level-classic April 21, 2012

Excellent detail and close-up capture - Great info too! #10102253

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 21, 2012

Interesting info and great details. #10102288

Kevin P. Kreischer April 21, 2012

Excellent macro shot Michelle! #10102300

Jack Gaskin April 21, 2012

Some how I just can not picture you taste testing pine needles !!!
I should have you look up Cat-Tails and you'll be running down to a near by pond for a taste test.

Happy Dining
Jack #10102360

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe April 21, 2012

Wonderful shot and great info as always. I sometimes watch a show called "Survivor Man" ... he would love to eat that! #10102442

frank w. degenhardt April 21, 2012

That was enjoyable reading, leaned alot about what we see so often. I always enjoy reading all the information about a picture. Beautifully composed, love the dof, and the focus on the tip of the branch. Way to go my friend. #10102464

Tiia Vissak April 21, 2012

a great close-up! #10102518

Monnie Ryan April 21, 2012

Very interesting and a terrific capture, Michelle! I've tasted white and purple clover and dandelion greens, but think I'll pass on this! #10102578

Ann Coates level-classic April 21, 2012

You always have such interesting info. I think I will skip on the eating thing too. A beautiful capture Michelle. #10102807

John Connolly April 21, 2012

An interesting image and information Michelle! I think I will pass on the bush tucker bit though! #10102978

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic April 21, 2012

Gorgeous colour and detail Michelle. #10103509

Barbara Waldoch April 22, 2012

Beautiful capture, Michelle! #10103597

Robert K. Bemus level-classic April 22, 2012

Beautiful MT image, Michelle!! #10105068

Leslie McLain level-classic April 23, 2012

Beautiful macro, Michelle. #10105326

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