True Colors Shining Through [Contest Pre Finalists April 2015]
Uploaded: March 07, 2012 20:59:50 | Entered: April 27, 2015 22:09:14
This is a green Anole (member of the lizard family) on a bamboo tree. He has his dewlap or throatfan exposed to give a clear message that this is his territory.
Males employ head bobbing and dewlap extension in courtship. When these tiny critters start rocking and doing 'pushups' accompanied by intermittent ultrasonic hisses, you know that soon you will see the dewlap exposed.
They eat lots of bugs so they are usually welcome visitors.
Details and Macro
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 500, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 413.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Avril Young March 08, 2012
oh my goodness, what a fantastic detailed macro, he is a beauty...outstanding photo!! #1448204
Tammy M. Anderson
March 08, 2012
Tiia Vissak March 08, 2012
a cool image! #10028085Gord MacEachern March 08, 2012
Wow, another incredible capture Heather, the detail and colors make this a winner in my book! #10028101Inge Linden March 08, 2012
WONDERFUL color, comp., lighting, & detail! #10028116
Jeff Robinson
March 08, 2012
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 08, 2012
Robert R. Goodman March 08, 2012
Hi Heather,WOW!!Beautiful color and detail my friend.Looks like you have a winner!!!! #10028239Jack Gaskin March 08, 2012
A#1 capture & info Only thing missing is his girlfriend
Jack #10028397
Liz blahh March 08, 2012
Spectacular! #10028637
Nikki McDonald
March 08, 2012
David Phalen March 08, 2012
Outstanding light, comp, colors and clarity!! #10028772
Nancy L. Green
March 08, 2012
Mary Timman March 08, 2012
He is so darn cute. Wish we had them here. You really captured some great color and clarity. #10028832Monnie Ryan March 08, 2012
Fabulous detail on this colorful critter, Heather! #10028919John Connolly March 08, 2012
What a wonderful capture of this beautiful lizard, Heather! I always feel the world is a great place when I come across a lizard sunning itself! #10029086David M. Montero March 08, 2012
Great isolation, clarity and comp Heather. Very well done! #10029523Jeffrey R. Bange March 08, 2012
Great capture and detail Heather, love the color of his dewlap. #10029595
Terry Cervi
March 08, 2012
Mary K. Robison March 10, 2012
What lady lizard could resist the gorgeous colors of this guy, not to mention his seductive pushups?
Claudia Kuhn
March 10, 2012
Ellen Hodges March 10, 2012
Fab details and colors, Heather!! What a find and capture!! #10032408Barbara Waldoch March 10, 2012
What a beauty! #10032435
Emile Abbott
March 11, 2012
Debbie Bray March 11, 2012
What a beautiful colour combination, Heather! What a great find this is, well caught! #10033436Tammy Espino March 11, 2012
A winner :) #10033913
Val Feldman
March 12, 2012
Val Feldman
March 12, 2012
Reynaldo D. Reyes
March 13, 2012
Douglas Pignet May 22, 2015
beautiful capture, wonderful find and great comp...nicely done #11306202frank w. degenhardt May 23, 2015
Love how these guys put on the show. Congratulations on this being a Staff Favorite. #11306771Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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