Stone House in Winter [Contest Pre Finalists April 2015]
Uploaded: December 18, 2011 10:52:25 | Entered: April 18, 2015 13:05:49
3rd resubmission April 18, 2015
Category: Monthly Theme (Inclement Weather)
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 12502/1000000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100,100, FocalLength: 28.00 mm, Model: DSLR-A350
Nikki McDonald
December 18, 2011
Jeff W. Robinson
Wow - This really turned out Great Nikki!!
12/18/2011 7:35:57 AM
Gary Enloe
Beautiful capture Nikki and love the effect. Very well done
12/18/2011 7:43:39 AM
Melinda F. Schneider
I've added this to my favorites, and I'll be looking into Florabella overlays! Excellent work!!
12/18/2011 7:49:06 AM
Robert Jensen
All I can say is that this went immediately into my favorites, and I am really picky on what I put there!
12/18/2011 8:48:32 AM
Sherran Andersen
Boy, I really need to start using textures next year... love this photo... is Florabella a texture you have to buy?
12/18/2011 8:48:53 AM
Nikki McDonald
Thank you so much -- especially Melinda and Robert since I don't get very many favorites at all :) -- but also Jeff, Gary and Sherran because I love to have visitors. Florabella may have some textures you have to buy but the snow overlays are free and so easy to use. Have fun!
12/18/2011 8:53:37 AM
Katarina Mansson
Terrific! Love that icy cold impression. Excellent work Nikki!
12/18/2011 9:15:13 AM
David Phalen
Beautiful work Nikki!! Love the tones, and textures!!
Thanks for the info about Florabella.
12/18/2011 10:05:58 AM
Thanks, Katta and David. Appreciate your comments.
Mitch Spence
December 18, 2011
Sherran Andersen
December 18, 2011
Chris Budny
December 18, 2011
Joy Rector December 18, 2011
beautiful #9875960Datha Y. Thompson December 18, 2011
Yes W O W from me too Nikki!!! and WINNER :) Love it :) #9876154Michelle Alton December 18, 2011
A beautifully composed image, and the editing is just remarkable...or JUST remarkable! #9876494
Cathy Kovarik
December 18, 2011
Nancy Marie Ricketts December 18, 2011
I had mixed feelings between this one and the colored version, but after seeing this one, I definitely love this one best-great capture and superb PP! This just jumps off the page-winner and favorite! #9876575Rona L. Schwarz December 19, 2011
I missed most of this critique except I did check out the discussion, Nikki, and then I had to see the final product! Very fine DD work - it really came out just fantastic and I can tell how much work was involved! The effects are marvelous! Thanks to your great instruction I just have to try this!!! #9878490Linda L. Ruiz December 21, 2011
Love what you did with the snow texture. Fantastic. #9880600Phyllis H. Burchett December 22, 2011
Fabulous DD work and scene Nikki! #9882244Susan Fox December 28, 2011
This is wonderful Nikki! I have a feeling this will make finalist, and go on to win. Really nicely done #9890689
Usman M. Bajwa
December 29, 2011
UB. #9891046
Karen Celella December 31, 2011
Nikki, you are truly a DD master! This is outstanding! I hope it gets all of the awards it deserves. I'll be back to congratulate you. #9895150Robert Jensen January 27, 2012
Hard to believe this wasn't selected as a winner! #9950282Neal D. Hatcher February 07, 2012
Beautiful work #9970385Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 07, 2012
Magnificently incredible work on this awesome image, Nikki! :-) k #9970463
Heather Loewenhardt
February 08, 2012
Tamara K. Walker
February 23, 2012
Amanda D. Austwick
February 26, 2012
Neal D. Hatcher April 28, 2015
-----------------"FANTASTIC"-------------------- #11293921
Errick L. Cameron
April 30, 2015
Errick L. Cameron
May 21, 2015
Ellen Hodges May 21, 2015
Huge congrats and best luck with this beauty, Nikki!! #11305653
Amanda D. Austwick
May 21, 2015
Jane E. Miller
May 21, 2015
Patrick Rouzes
May 21, 2015
Lydia Williams
May 22, 2015
Emile Abbott
May 27, 2015
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