A Running Start [69365 Animals ]
Uploaded: September 24, 2011 07:06:57
Sandhill Cranes Canon 300mm f/2.8 handheld,
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/2500 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1600, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Jeff Robinson
September 24, 2011
Kay E. Mahoney
September 24, 2011
Bill Foxworthy September 27, 2011
Thanks Jeff, Kay and Deborah! #9699052
Nancy L. Green
October 03, 2011
Bill Foxworthy October 03, 2011
Thanks very much Nancy! #9713275Orsi October 18, 2011
Amazing shot,Bill!!Congratulations!!! #9743710Ujjwal Mukherjee October 18, 2011
Terrific shot! Congratulations!! #9745604JO ANN CLEVELAND October 19, 2011
Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Bill...jo ann c. #9746981
Bill Foxworthy October 19, 2011
Thanks very much Orsi, The Judge at BetterPhoto, Ujjwal and Jo Ann. #9747019Rona L. Schwarz October 19, 2011
WOW! This is simply FABULOUS, Bill! I don't think I have seen a better sandhill crane action capture - the detail and clarity is amazing! I shoot sandhills with my 300mm f2.8 as well, but I cannot get near this close - will be going next month to catch the fall migration. Anyway, super Congratulations on this amazing Finalist - Hope to see it with Gold next round! #9749425Merna L. Nobile October 22, 2011
May your heart catch the joy of the moment and soar!Bill Foxworthy October 22, 2011
Thank you Rona and Merna. These birds are a pure joy to photograph! #9754999Kathy Cline October 23, 2011
WOW you handheld with that lens. I cant do it but then again Im a small Gal. ha ha Super shot Bill and I love sandhill cranes. Love the lens to. Have a blessed day and congratulations on a well deserved award.Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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