Happy Fourth of July!
Uploaded: July 04, 2011 15:54:11
Lorna Shutter July 04, 2011
Wowza!!! You must have just posted this as I am the first to comment! Unbelievable capture of a beautiful display of fireworks, Ellen! Superb colour, clarity and lighting! Your other firework image is just as incredible! Outstanding work! :) #1390423Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 04, 2011
Beautiful capture, Ellen! :-) k #9506532Mary Dimitriw July 04, 2011
Wow Ellen...gorgeous!! Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! #9506538Jeff Robinson July 04, 2011
Excellent capture Ellen - Happy 4th to you!! #9506549Robert R. Goodman July 04, 2011
Hi Ellen,Beautiful capture my friend.Happy 4th Of July!!! #9506586Ray Thoms July 04, 2011
Wow...just a great capture Ellen....Happy 4th! #9506694Amy M. Wilson July 04, 2011
Superb image for the 4th of July... love it, Ellen! #9506703Gord MacEachern July 04, 2011
Outstanding image Ellen, perfect for the day!!Leslie McLain July 04, 2011
Beautiful, Ellen. #9506856Tammy M. Anderson July 04, 2011
Outstanding clarity and colors, Ellen. Perfect! #9506860Terry Cervi July 04, 2011
This is a beauty, Ellen! #9507007Ellen Hodges July 04, 2011
Thanks soooo much for the kind comments, friends!! #9507089Reynaldo D. Reyes July 04, 2011
Awesome fireworks display and a great 4th July image Ellen. Excellent shot! #9507123Tiia Vissak July 04, 2011
a wonderful shot! #9507207Mary K. Robison July 05, 2011
Brilliant in its design, Ellen! I'll never understand how "they" work out the timing that creates individual sprays at the ends of the main fireworks "ball". Guess that's part of the magic!Avril Young July 05, 2011
awesome capture of these fireworks, hope you had a wonderful long weekend..Kirsten Kiki Kjaer July 05, 2011
Truly magnificent fireworks capture, Ellen. Will you teach me one day? #9507991frank w. degenhardt July 05, 2011
This looks so much like one of natures flowers. I know the flower it reminds me of but cant think of the name of it. I love the long stems and then the little floral burst at the end. A full page of beauty, I just love the colors and shapes of this. You certainly know what to do with that camera to get perfect pictures of the fireworks and let us enjoy them to.Emile Abbott July 05, 2011
Beautiful fireworks capture Ellen #9508105Val Feldman July 05, 2011
No fireworks here due to the extreme drought conditions, so have to tell you what a pleasure it is to view this colorful (and perfectly captured) display...I sure missed them this year - doesn't seem like the 4th w/o them! Gorgeous display - hope your celebration was happy! #9508179Debra R. Harder July 05, 2011
WOWZA, Ellen!! Very awesome fireworks image. The exposure and ss are perfect. Beautiful! Deb #9508283Tammy Espino July 05, 2011
Super firework capture, ewwwwwww ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :) #9508768Lindley Johnson July 05, 2011
Excellent fireworks image, Ellen! Simply beautiful! #9509363Deborah Lewinson July 05, 2011
Gorgeous fireworks' capture, Ellen!Looks like your holiday was grand!
Debby #9509395
a2o akmal aini othman July 05, 2011
Splendid! Very beautiful Ellen..love it!! Hope you had a great time there :-) #9509406Rona L. Schwarz July 05, 2011
WOW, Ellen! I thought your last fireworks capture was super, and now this one is even better!! Marvelous capture...brilliant how you have managed to combine so many distinct displays in one image...perfect exposure and processing! Love the little sprays...Hope you had a fabulous fourth! #9509656Kim Andelkovic July 16, 2011
Awesome fire work shots Ellen they are fabulous :-) #9534457Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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