Little Creature [Contest Finalists June 2006]
Uploaded: August 31, 2005 00:19:44
It generously poses for me :)
Rob Bishop August 31, 2005
Wow! I love this, Husein. Great color and composition.Rob #303152
Dan Holm August 31, 2005
WOW!! AWESOME, Husein!! Absolutely awesome! ... #1787536Jordi Delgado August 31, 2005
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!Awesome capture, Husein!!! Just impressive!!
Pu Chen August 31, 2005
Wonderful shot, Husein! #1787550Jared Diamond August 31, 2005
Outstanding shot, Husein. :) #1787586
Cliff & Patti Smith
August 31, 2005
Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. August 31, 2005
Great framing and composition, and I love the colors and contrast. Wonderful shot! And wonderful gallery!!!!! #1789277ALLEN O. HOWARD March 26, 2006
AGREED!!!!! #2577600
Laurie Daily
July 25, 2006
Danielle Baron July 26, 2006
Superb! congrats, hope its a winner too! #3082827Crystal Kiser July 26, 2006
This is incredible! The color, the composition, the lighting... absolutely amazing. I hope to see this on the winners page soon! #3084157
Serena Pierce
July 26, 2006
She-She Killough July 28, 2006
WHOA this IS amazing Husein! There is no doubt why they picked THIS ONE as a winner!!! I LOVE it! Congratulations on the great 2nd place win! #3092703Danielle Baron July 28, 2006
Congratulations...on your win. #3093543Daniel G. Flocke July 28, 2006
Husein - Congratulations on your 2nd Place Winner!!!~Daniel #3093632
Megan p July 28, 2006
Congratulations Husein!!!, so beautiful!!! #3093712Piotr M. Organa July 28, 2006
Congrats, Husein!!! Excellent! #3094158
Jeff Robinson
July 28, 2006
Nobu Nagase July 28, 2006
Congratulations on your win, Husein!!! #3097116Husain Akhtar July 29, 2006
Heartily congratulations on this very well deserved win! Outstanding work! #3097819
Janine Russell
July 30, 2006
anonymous July 31, 2006
Awesome shot, amazing colour. A big fat CONGRATULATIONS! #3107985
Terry L. Ellis
August 03, 2006
Richard D. Cox August 03, 2006
Marvellous use of negative space. Beautiful comp. Congrats. #3120973Jonna Bergström August 08, 2006
Congratulations!!!! I love it!! #3137274Ye Tun August 17, 2010
I love it.. #8842122Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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