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Uploaded: December 30, 2010 04:05:12 | Entered: November 03, 2016 03:14:27
A detailed look at a Asian Rhino as seen from a bridge.
Canon 70-200L IS at 200mm. Late Morning, ISO 400, 1/160th @ f5.6, EC -1/3 (D&M)
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 50D
Gord MacEachern December 30, 2010
Hi Jeff, love the textures and tones here, cute title also !! #1339655Maria A. Gonzalez December 30, 2010
Hi,Jeff...This is so incredible..Excellent textures,colors and framing..Like the title and very well seen and capture..What a view..Original for sure. #9132164Aimee S. McMaster December 30, 2010 how cool is this Jeff...amazing pov & textures... #9132221
Bojan Bencic
December 30, 2010
Douglas Pignet December 30, 2010
Wow...Now that is a view Jeff...Well done #9132278
Linda D. Lester
December 30, 2010
frank w. degenhardt December 30, 2010
LOL at Linda. You sure did come up with a unique and fasinating look at this rhino Jeff. Love the fact that being on the bridge let you look down on top of it and then the camera work to caputure all the gorgeous colors, texutues of the skin, them ears. Creative presentation beautifully done my friend. #9132335
Agnes Fegan
December 30, 2010
Gail Sullivan
December 30, 2010
Robert R. Goodman December 30, 2010
Hi Jeff,I hear what your saying.Beautiful capture,great detail and color!!!! #9132399Ron McEwan December 30, 2010
Amazing pov, excellent close up detail Jeff, I smell gold here. #9132402
Carol Flisak
December 30, 2010
Robyn A. Terrell December 30, 2010
Oh my goodness, the texture, detail and POV are fantastic! Very interesting:) #9132460
R. J. Laudenbacher
December 30, 2010
Patti Coblentz December 30, 2010
Amazing close up and detail, Jeff...what a perspective! LOL at Linda's comment...funny :) #9132498
Emile Abbott
December 30, 2010
Jyri Vissak December 30, 2010
Cool find! Well done. Art is everywhere. #9132531
Carolyn M. Fletcher
December 30, 2010
Stephen Zacker December 30, 2010
I thought it was a guy with all the hair on those ears :-) Like your composition #9132603Jack Ryan December 30, 2010
Outstanding POV/composition...really a very creative image...I doubt I would have been able to figure out just what it was if you hadn't revealed that info. Very clever...very well done. #9132624Jodi Zimmer December 30, 2010
cool details and texture! #9132650Jodi Zimmer December 30, 2010
cool details and texture! #9132651Tiia Vissak December 30, 2010
very interesting! #9132677Jack Gaskin December 30, 2010
Neat Shot great Detail but the Hairy Ears are the Best.Guess he had the green light for the bridge There about the size of a HONDA ELEMENT only HEAVIER !!!
Happy Shooting
Jack #9132694
Monnie Ryan December 30, 2010
Woo hoo, Jeff -- that's an amazing close-up! #9132711Anita Hogue December 30, 2010
Awesome details, Jeff! Fantastic close shot! #9132889Thomas E. Hinds December 30, 2010
Wonderful image, Jeff! They are (all rhinos) such amazing creatures! This is a great capture! #9133100Kerry Hill December 30, 2010
Fantastic perspective and details Jeff, great shot! #9133143Gina Cormier December 30, 2010
Oh....really cool detail and POV!!! #9133269Rony Sagy December 30, 2010
Amazing detail and texture Jeff. Excellent work. Happy New Year to all. #9133275
Karen E. Michaels
December 30, 2010
Tammy Espino December 30, 2010
Unique shot :) #9133441Mike Clime December 30, 2010
Cool pov and excellent details and textures, Jeff! #9133465Nancy J. Locke December 30, 2010
What an amazing and unique capture, Jeff!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Nancy #9133501
Renee Doyle December 30, 2010
Looks like he tuned you out Jeff :-)Marty Straub December 30, 2010
LOL at what Linda said, although I didn't hear a word of it. Amazing look at the texture of this creature, Jeff. Until I read I assumed you were riding him when you got this great shot. #9133539MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 30, 2010
Huh??? #9133667Kaye Burazin December 30, 2010
hmmmm took me a while to figure this one out #9133672Rona L. Schwarz December 30, 2010
WOW! What a marvelous capture this is, Jeff! Love your POV, so creative and unusual - the textures and detail are fabulous! #9133710MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 30, 2010
Took Me MORE than a while Kaye...I just Did!!! ;0)Awesome Jeff #9133784
Ray Thoms December 30, 2010
Amazing detail, colour and texture Jeff.... #9133812
Tamara K. Walker
December 30, 2010
Ann Coates
December 30, 2010
Laura E. Swan
December 30, 2010
I am a SCORPIO and can RUN with the BEST of them but I just don't get it!
I also noticed that you are being NIIIIICE and quiet here. Letting us SCRAMBLE.
So. What gives? We are all adults here. (Except for the little tiny kids on this web site! HeeHee)
WHAT IS THIS? I'm staying attached in case you tell us! :)))
-Laura #9133927
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 30, 2010
WOW! COOOOOOOOOOOOOL with fantastic textures! Awesome POV! :-) k #9133960
Laura E. Swan
December 30, 2010
Jessica Jenney December 30, 2010
Terrific POV, detail and textures, Jeff! #9134040
Terry Cervi
December 30, 2010
Dick W. Wyatt December 31, 2010
Great tones, textures and details, Jeff.
Jeff Robinson
December 31, 2010
Lynn M. Whitt December 31, 2010
Amazing details, cool capture... #9134364Kathy Reeves December 31, 2010
Love this POV and textures! Excellent! #9134647Carla Capra Anderson December 31, 2010
OMG, I would never have guessed it was a Rhino image. The ears are incredibly 3 dimensional, giving the appears they are recessed. The skin textured is wonderful, too.Lorraine A. Cook December 31, 2010
WOW! Has a prehistoric 'feel'...LOVE the textures and your POV, Jeff!!!<:)) #9135042John Connolly December 31, 2010
A wonderful title and great POV and capture Jeff! Well done!Kirsten Kiki Kjaer December 31, 2010
HA! Very cool, Jeff!! Very special. Well done! #9135503
Nancy L. Green
December 31, 2010
Nancy (Peaches) Harker December 31, 2010
WOW, VERY AWESOME capture, VERY COOL! #9135847
Laura E. Swan
December 31, 2010
-Laura #9135917
Jeff Robinson
January 01, 2011
Cindy Bendush
January 02, 2011
Jeff Robinson
January 02, 2011
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures December 31, 2016
Congratulations Jeff, missed this the first time!! Good luck in the next round!!! #11549518
Emile Abbott
January 04, 2017
Jeff Robinson
January 04, 2017
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