Seasonal Decorations [Catch All ]
Uploaded: December 09, 2010 19:13:43
Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300
Bill Houghton December 14, 2010
Dave, this is a beautiful seasonal piece. Have a great day, Bill #1335744Renee Doyle December 14, 2010
Beautifully composed and captured Dave!!! WOnderful holiday capture! Wishing you and your family all the best for the Holidays and the New Year! Nice to see you here too :-)Gina Cormier December 16, 2010
Where the heck have you been. This is gorgeous!!! Love the detail, color and of course you clarity!!!! #9110078Douglas Pignet December 20, 2010
Lovely capture with great clarity and colors #9115393Tiia Vissak December 23, 2010
a wonderful close-up! #9122524Evy Johansen January 05, 2011
Beautiful image! Wonderful colors and great clarity!! #9145341Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 07, 2011
Eye catching and beautiful Dave! #9148502Gina Cormier January 19, 2011
CONGRATS DAVE ON THIS FABULOUS IMAGE!!! #9175191Leslie McLain January 19, 2011
Congrats on a terrific finalist, Dave. #9177558Patrick Rouzes January 20, 2011
Amazing! Congratulations Dave! #9179983Jodi Zimmer January 20, 2011
Congratulations!! beautiful shot! #9180880Nancyj E. Hovey January 20, 2011
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N SVal Feldman January 20, 2011
Gorgeous whites, crisp clear colors, superb details - a fantastic Finalist, Dave! Congrats! #9181582Virginia Leone January 21, 2011
Congratulations on this finalist Dave! #9183048Carrie M. Groseclose January 21, 2011
Congratulations Dave on this beautiful Finalist. Fantastic clarity, detail, and vibrant color. Love this! #9183439Sam Britt January 22, 2011
Congrats!! #9186082Karen Slagle January 30, 2011
Congrats Dave on your outstanding finalist. This would make a very pretty Christmas card. #9202771Alex T. Mizuno February 03, 2011
This is so beautifully done Dave! Exposure, lighting and color balance are just perfect! Congratulations on your Finalist!!! #9209337Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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