Tiny Ballerinas [Catch All Man Made Things]
Uploaded: June 30, 2010 21:54:08
This beautiful moment was taken at ballet recital dress rehearsal.
Susana Ms Heide June 30, 2010
It doesn't get any cuter than this!!!! Awwww! #1283763Stefania Barbier July 12, 2010
it's a beauty... congrats on your finalist! #8751872Dianna Murphy July 12, 2010
A warm congratulations on your wonderful finalist and a big good luck in the next round to you. #8752506Sofia Spentzas July 12, 2010
Thank you all for your kind words, I just love this picture...It makes me smile every time I look at it. #8752799Kelly Heaton July 12, 2010
Congratulations on your finalist!! #8753988Carol Teal July 12, 2010
Just adorable! And congrats on your finalist! #8754256Sherran Andersen July 12, 2010
How sweet... congrats. #8754642Jeff Robinson July 13, 2010
Congrats Sofia on your Well Deserved Finalist! Jeff #8756121Cliff & Patti Smith July 13, 2010
Ahhhh...how cute! Great capture Sofia and Congratulations! #8759372Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 13, 2010
Priceless, great timing Sofia! Congratulations! #8759882Nancyj E. Hovey July 14, 2010
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N SNancyj E. Hovey July 14, 2010
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N SMerna L. Nobile July 14, 2010
ADORABLE! Congratulations on your award. Merna #8764062Vickie J. Jenkins July 16, 2010
So sweet and very deserving of this recognition. Congratulations. #8768158David M. Montero July 17, 2010
I love it! Congratulations Sofia! #8769726Nancy J. Locke July 17, 2010
SPECTACULAR CAPTURE!!! SUPER CONGRATS!!! #8769788Lynne Morris August 08, 2010
Absolutely priceless and a very worthy winner, Congratulations Sofia. #8813558Dominick M. Dimacale September 13, 2010
Congratulations Sofia on your Win!!!Dominick #8897110
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