Legislature [Digital Darkroom]
Uploaded: June 14, 2010 20:03:55
Adjusted in PSE.
Irene Colling
June 14, 2010
Anne McKinnell June 14, 2010
Hi Sherran! Sorry you couldn't join us on our outing this weekend, maybe another time. This is such an awesome shot. I have had a lot of great responses from shooting this building, but I aspire to create something as beautiful as this. A masterpiece. #8695314Michelle Alton June 15, 2010
A fantastic architectural treatment, Sherran. #8695445
R. J. Laudenbacher
June 15, 2010
Sherran Andersen
June 15, 2010
Anne, sorry I couldn't either... just so swamped at work right now.
Becky, you're an awesome teacher... I couldn't have done this without you... THANKS!
Sherran #8696277
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna June 15, 2010
INCREDIBLE, Sherran! :-) k #8696937Carol L. Fowler June 17, 2010
Awesome B+W with incredible detail #8701590
Nancyj E. Hovey
July 12, 2010
Carol L. Fowler July 12, 2010
Big Congrats! #8753386Sharon Sawyer July 12, 2010
Whoooo Hoooooooo!!! WTG, Sherran! Wonderful B&W image of the Legislative Building. HUGE congratulations on this awesome finalist and all the best in the next round. . #8753434Kim Andelkovic July 12, 2010
Wow, how did I miss this totally awesome image......I love buildings like this.......amazing work Sherran.Karen Celella July 12, 2010
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Sherran!! #8754091
Christine Lobsinger
July 12, 2010
Patti Coblentz July 12, 2010
Congratulations on your finalist for this amazing image, Sherran! #8755570Kerry Hill July 12, 2010
Huge congratulations on your fantastic finalists Sherran! #8755607Ellen Hodges July 12, 2010
HUge congrats on your fabulous finalists, Sherran!! Very best luck!!! #8755643Yulianto Soeroso July 12, 2010
lovely foto and congratlation #8755735
Reynaldo D. Reyes
July 12, 2010
Helen Dittrich July 13, 2010
congrats on your finalist.. wonderful shot! #8755800Patricia Seidler July 13, 2010
WTG Sherran. Great work. Well deserved finalist. Good luck in the next round. #8756351
Stefania Barbier
July 13, 2010
Heather Pickard July 13, 2010
Stellar B&W treatment of this interesting old building. You deserve the award for your talent and hard work.I'm curious about where this building is located.
Lynn M. Whitt July 13, 2010
Congratulations on your fantastic finalists... #8756865
Sherran Andersen
July 13, 2010
Bill Brelsford
July 13, 2010
Rona L. Schwarz July 13, 2010
Glad to see that all your hard work paid off, Sherran!! This is such a terrific capture and you did a wonderful job of editing - it truly is a masterpiece! Huge congratulations on this well-deserved finalist! Hope we see Gold! #8758032
Irene Colling
July 13, 2010
Freddy Bland July 13, 2010
Fantastic image and post treatment, Sherran!! Congratulations on your Finalist!! #8758436Anne McKinnell July 13, 2010
I knew we would see this one again!! Congratulations on this very deserving finalist! #8758500
Nancy L. Green
July 13, 2010
Maria Coulson July 13, 2010
Sherran, great work! Congratulations. #8758985Daniella Puente July 13, 2010
Wow Sherran the details on this BW capture are just amazing, wonderful photo...congrats! #8759096John Connolly July 13, 2010
Amazing lighting and detail here Sherran! Congratulations on your finalist award! #8759135Renata Gusciora July 13, 2010
Congratulations on this superb finalist,Sherran!!!:-) #8759397
Patrick Rouzes
July 13, 2010
Cliff & Patti Smith
July 13, 2010
Julianne Bradford July 13, 2010
Congratulations on this dramatic finalist Sherran:-) #8759793Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 13, 2010
WTG on you fantastic finalists, Sherran! :-) k #8759986Mary K. Robison July 14, 2010
Outstanding B&W image, Sherran!Kathleen Brennan July 15, 2010
Great BW, and congrats on your finalist! #8766471Adam CD Caron July 16, 2010
Congrats LOVE this #8767967Merna L. Nobile July 16, 2010
BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations on your Finalist Award for June, 2010. Merna #8768967
Nikki McDonald
July 18, 2010
Nancy (Peaches) Harker July 20, 2010
AWESOME capture and HUGE congrats on finalist! #8775887Valentin M. Armianu July 24, 2010
Amazing image, Sherran! Congratulations!! #8784414
Sherran Andersen
July 24, 2010
Jean Lechleiter July 28, 2010
Wow Sherran. Great job on this. Super in B&W. Big congrats. on your Finalist! #8791774
Sherran Andersen
September 01, 2010
Tori A. Gonzalez October 06, 2010
Congrats Sherran! this is a stunning image. the detail is incredible and the overall mood, wonderful! #8951938Karen Kessler November 02, 2010
Gorgeous view & tones! I love the architecture. Congrats on the Finalist!!! #9011146
Sherran Andersen
December 14, 2010
Stefania Barbier
December 15, 2010
Sherran Andersen
December 19, 2010
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